A process for producing fermented alcoholic products with a low diacetyl content, such as beer, wine or ethanol containing fermentation products to be processed to concentrated ethanol, comprises fermenting a carbohydrate containing substrate with a microorganism, preferably yeast, and treating the substrate with an acetolactate converting enzyme, such as acetolactate decarboxylase, during or in continuation of the fermentation. The process can also be used in connection with malo-lactic fermentation carried out during maturation of wine. The enzyme may be used in a free, dissolved state or in an immobilized state. In the acetolactate decarboxylase treatment small amounts of acetolactate formed by secondary fermentation processes are decarboxylated to acetoin instead of being slowly decomposed to diacetyl.
发明作者:Эрик Годтфредсен Свен;Оттесен Мартин;Аренст Ларсен Бент
申请人:Де Форенеде Бриггерир А/С (Фирма);

The invention relates to the fermentation industry and can be used in the brewing, alcohol and wine industry.
The purpose of the invention is to reduce the content of the diacetype.
The method is carried out as follows.
The carbohydrate wort is fermented with yeast and ripened. If the wort or grape juice is fermented with yeast or other microorganisms besides
Fermentation is carried out in two stages: basic fermentation, which lasts 7–10 days, and secondary enzyme CI – ripening, which can last 3–12 weeks. During the main
alcohol fermentation, various processes take place which, in the case of fermentation, most of the carbohydrate formation of undesirable side-wort in the wort turns into ethanol and two products. An example is carbon monoxide. Maturation is carried out by the formation of diacetyl, which, at low temperatures in the presence of and an unpleasant odor even a small residual amount in very small concentrations, at 20 honest yeast. The purpose of ripening in this alcoholic drinks, for example, precipitating undesirable high or wine, may acquire an unacceptable taste and aroma if the content of diacetyl exceeds the allowable
his concentration.
The formation of diacetyl is also disadvantageous in industrial processes of ethanol production, since by distillation it is very difficult to separate diacetyl from ethanol. The problem arises in the preparation of absolute ethanol, if ethanol is dehydrated by azeropic distillation with benzene. The diacetyl accumulates in the benzene phase during the azeotropic phase.
s-he soon
comolecular compounds and the conversion of diacetyl, 2,3-pentadione, c-acetolactate and ot-aceto-o-oxybutyrate to compounds such as diodes that do not change odor and taste. For example, butanediol — the final product of the transformation with α-acetolactate and diacetyl in beer — does not affect the taste 30 and the smell in concentrations below 500. "g / l
The enzymatic and chemical reactions important for the content of dnatylate in beer can be illustrated in the following scheme:
NaC-C 0
 1 (daacetyl
i (2)
(a-keto | 3-oxyruzo5alerate) CH3CfHs
t (3)
(2,3- & 1 // panioE
s-he soon
(a, ji-9uOKcuu3o5ajiepam)
distillation, which is ms; it leads to the formation of mixtures of diacetyl and which impede the regeneration of the biosol used for azeotropic distillation.
Beer brewing involves the fermentation of the wort with the preferred yeast, for example, Saccharorayces cerevi.siae or Saccharomyces carlsfergensis.
Fermentation is carried out in two stages: basic fermentation, which lasts 7–10 days, and secondary enzyme CI – ripening, which can last 3–12 weeks. During the main
fermentation, most carbohydrates in the wort are converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Maturation is carried out at low temperatures in the presence of a small residual amount of yeast. The purpose of ripening is the deposition of unwanted high
fermentation, most carbohydrates in the wort are converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Maturation is carried out at low temperatures in the presence of a small residual amount of yeast. The purpose of ripening is the deposition of unwanted high
comolecular compounds and the conversion of diacetyl, 2,3-pentadione, c-acetolactate and ot-aceto-o-oxybutyrate to compounds such as diodes that do not change odor and taste. For example, butanediol - the final product of the conversion with α-acetolactate and diacetyl in beer - does not affect taste and smell in concentrations below 500. "g / l,
The enzymatic and chemical reactions important for the content of dnatylate in beer can be illustrated in the following scheme:
NaC-C 0
 1 (daacetyl
i (2)
t (3)
(2,3- & 1 // Pano
The precursor of diacetyl of -acetolactate is produced in fermenting yeast by catalyzing the enzyme condensation of acetaldehyde pyruvate and tympanine pyrophosphate and is an intermediate compound in the biosynthesis of the amino acid valine. L-Aceto-lactate can also spontaneously decompose through oxidative debridement to form diacetyl, reaction (1), which is then reduced by reductases in yeast cells during the beer aging process. Decarboxylation of ci-acetolactate is a reaction that depends on temperature and proceeds relatively slowly at low temperatures, whereas the subsequent conversion of diacetyl to acetone and 2,3-butanediide occurs relatively quickly, as a result of which the rate of removal of α-acetolactate and beer diacetyl, is the decarboxylation of the diacetyl precursor. Similarly, the stage determining the rate of removal of 2,3-pentanediol and og-aceto-β-hydroxybutyrate is the spontaneous decarboxylation of the 2,3-pentanedione precursor.
In order to achieve maximum sedimentation of high molecular weight products and to obtain good quality beer, aging should occur at the lowest possible temperatures, for example, 0 ° C. At this temperature, it can occur several months before the acetobactate is completely removed, and the formed diacest is reduced by yeast. However, the time of aging can be reduced if the process is allowed to proceed at higher temperatures, for example, up to 1-2 weeks at, or 1 -2 weeks at 5 s or 1 or 2 weeks at -1 ° C. This procedure accelerates the conversion of acetolactate to diacetyl.
Slow decomposition of acetolactate to diacetype, reaction (1) in the scheme can be avoided by using enzymes to decompose acetolactate. For this purpose, you can use any enzymes. Everything is reduced to decarboxylation of acetolactate to acetone, reaction (4).
It is advisable to carry out the conversion of acetolactate to the "C-keto-α-oxyisovalerate" using an isomerase.
reaction (6), or the conversion of acetolactate to 0, E-hydroxyisovalerate using a reductoisomerase, reaction (5) The reaction products in both cases are precursors of the amino acid valine.
The wort is treated with an enzyme that converts acetolactate during or after fermentation. An example of the enzyme is acetolactate decarboxylase, which can be isolated from the microorganism Aerobacter aerogenes.
Aueutolactate is enzymatically decarboxed to acetoin, and as a result it is possible to avoid the formation of strongly smelling undesirable diacetyl from acetolactate. Decomposition of L-acetolactate to diacetyl is avoided by the conversion of the precursor of diacetyl using acetolac deducto-isomerases or isomerases, reaction (5) and (6).
Acetolactate decarboxylase can be added during the main fermentation or during the maturation process. The use of this enzyme leads to a significant reduction in the ripening time, since acetolactate is rapidly decarboxylated to fermentable acetoin without any formation of diacetyl, the enzyme can be added before or during the main fermentation, where the pH is Bbmie than during the ripening process.
Instead of using the enzyme in the free state, it can be used in an immobilized state, and the immobilized enzyme is added to the wort during or while the fermentation is continued. The immobilized enzyme can also be stored in a column through which the fermented wort or beer is passed. The enzyme can be immobilized separately or used together immobilized yeast cells and acetolactate decarboxylase.
The use of the immobilized enzyme speeds up the production of beer, since beer fermentation can be carried out by passing the wort through columns containing immobilized yeast and immobilized enzymes, not necessarily in a co-immobilized state. If the main fermentation and maturation processes are combined for
the continuous transformation of the wort into the finished beer, performance depends on the volume and diameter of the columns. Such a process reduces labor costs and reduces the cost of production. The proposed method can be used not only for preparing beer, but also for making wine, where similar advantages are achieved, in particular, a reduction in the aging time and a simplified process. Of interest is the use of enzymes that convert acetolactate in connection with the so-called Maloactic fermentation. This method, which is carried out using microorganisms such as Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus or Pediococcus species, is carried out after basic wine fermentation to raise the pH of the product as well as its biological stability and to improve the aroma of the wine. However, such a method can cause a loss of aroma due to diacetyl, which can be reduced by the use of acetolactic converting enzyme. The method can be used in the industrial production of ethanol, such as fermentation products, which are obtained and do not contain or practically do not contain F diacetyl, which simplifies the distillation process in the case of azeotropic distillation to obtain an absolute ethanol, i.e. pure anhydrous ethanol.
Acetolactate carboxylase can be isolated, for example, from Aerobacter aerogenes. However, acetolactate transform can also be used. enzymes derived from other sources, such as Bacillus Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Leuconostoc, Serratia u Streptococcus, and some species of Actinomycetes and fungi.
Suitable acetolactic reduction isomerases and isomerases can be introduced from bacteria, species such as E. coli or Aerobacter aerogenes or from Neurospora crassa, Salmonella yeast or plants. Since enzymes are considered in amino acid metabolism, it is hardly possible to expect their presence in almost all living cells.
If the process of alcoholic fermentation is 55lons with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 5 cm.
occurs at a pH in the range of 4-5, and through this reactor, a small amount of easily accessible acetolactate-wnl pump is pumped at 10 ° C with a speed
decarboxylase, isolated from micro-0.15 l / h, and the strength of the mash of co-organisms, have an optimum pressure of 10.7 °. Weakening of the eluate on
With stability and activity at a pH above 5, it is advisable to use acetolactate decarboxylase in a chemically codified state to obtain high stability and / or optimal activity in the range of pH 4-5.
Example 1. Batch fermentation and rapid maturation of beer.
| Using acetolactate decarboxy-silzy ..
1 liter of sterile wort from 10.7 strength wort is inoculated with Saccharomyces carlstergensis brewer's yeast
in the amount of 20x10 cells 1 l. After 6 days at 10 ° C, the main fermentation process ends, with the beer attenuation being defined as 2.0 ° P. The content of free and bound diacetyl (i.e., diacetyl obtained from ct-acetolactate) in beer is defined as 0.12 and 0.71 ppm. The beer is then decanted from the precipitated yeast and mixed with 100 ml.
Kreusen, i.e. intensely fermented beer obtained from the wort inoculated with yeast 48 hours before. Moreover, 25 mg of acetolactate decarboxylase isolated from Aerobacter aerogenes is added. After 24 hours, the content of free and bound diacetyl is determined as 0.05 for the secondary fermentation and maturation.
0.10 ppm, respectively. The beer is then cooled to -1 ° C and left to stand for two days at this temperature, and then the finished beer is filtered.
Example 2. Continuous fermentation and rapid maturation of beer.
250 g of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis brewer's yeast, separated by centrifugation, are suspended in 350 ml
3% sterile sodium alginate solution. This mixture is added dropwise to 10 liters of sterile 0.1 M CaC to gel the calcium alginate to form spherical, yeast-containing particles with a diameter of about 3 mm.
They are left to stand in plant. a thistle of calcium chloride for 12 h at 4 ° C, and then stuffed into
the reactor exit is 2.1 ° P, and according to gas chromatography data, the content of free and bound diacetal is 0.15 and 2.21 ppm, respectively. To 1 liter of beer from the reactor 25 mg of acetolactate decarboxylase is added. The mixture was left to stand at 10 ° C for 24 hours and then pumped through another reactor with immobilized yeast, so that the residence time was 5 hours. The content of free and bound diacetyl in elatate was determined as 0.05 and Oh, 10 h / ml respectively. Then the temperature is lowered to -1 ° C and after standing for two days at this temperature, the finished beer is decanted from the precipitate and finally filtered.
Example 3. Batch fermentation and rapid maturation of beer using acetolactate reducto-isomerase.
A 1 liter of sterile wort to Saccharomyces carlsbergensis fermenting as described in Example 1. After 6 days of basic fermentation, the content in free and bound diacetyl beers is, by definition, 0.10 and 0.61 ppm, respectively. The beer is decanted from the residual yeast and 100 Kreusen MP are added, as described in Example 1, together with 100 mg of the s-acetolactate-reducto-isomerase obtained from E. coli. The beer is then left to stand for another 24 hours at 10 ° C, after which the content of free and bound diacetyl in it is determined, which is 0.03 and 0.09 H / 1-SHN, respectively. Then the beer is cooled to -1 ° C and allowed to stand for 2 days at this temperature, and then the finished beer

Immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells are introduced into grape juice containing 10% of fermentable carbohydrates containing npiiMepHo. After 2 days of fermentation, a freshly prepared 35 acetolactate decarboxylase solution is added to the fermentation medium at a concentration of 40 kU / L, after which the fermentation is continued for another 5 days. The content of acetolactate together with the free di-acetyl in the enzyme-containing solution is determined and it is 0.10 ppm.
Example 5. This example is an example of Example 4. The preparation of enzyme 45 illustrates the immobilization of acetolactate decarboxylase in a calcium alginate gel matrix. Wet cells of the Bacillus Licheniformis strain, generating an acetolactate decarboxy 50 lase (50 g wet cells), are suspended in 50 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. 100 ml of a 4% sodium alginate solution are added to the resulting suspension, after which 55 the resulting mixture is added dropwise to a drop that promotes the ripening of the wine.
Aerobacter aero-genes microorganisms are cultured in 1 l of medium containing, g:
Na, jHPO, NaCl MgSO
CaCl FeSO MnCl
6H /) DN 0
worn in a 0.1 M solution of calcium chloride. Thus, small calcium algipata granules containing acetolactate dscarboxyla are obtained.
Yeast extract 10 T riptoza10
Cultivation is carried out in a 20 L fermentation tank at 37 ° C and aeration, cells are collected in the mid-exponential phase by centrifugation and then washed twice with phosphate buffer at pH 6.8. Then the biomass is suspended in 20 mM phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 and homogenized in a Manton-Gaulin homogenizer, npii 600 atm. The destroyed cells are then removed by centrifugation and the DE-52 ion exchange resin is added to the layer that appeared during centrifugation, which is loaded onto a column and the enzyme is eluted with a phosphate concentration of from 20 mM to 0.6 M at a pH of 6.8. The fractions are tested for enzyme activity, the active fractions are combined, and ammonium sulfate in the amount of 0.6 g / ml is added to them. Before using the enzyme in the process, the required amount of this suspension in ammonium sulfate is centrifuged and the resulting precipitate is dissolved in 20 mM phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 and dialyzed against the same buffer.
Immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells are introduced into grape juice containing 10% of fermentable carbohydrates containing npiiMepHo. After 2 days of fermentation, a freshly prepared 5 solution of acetolactate decarboxylase is added to the fermentation medium at a concentration of 40 kU / l, after which the fermentation is continued for another 5 days. The content of acetolactate together with the free di-acetyl in the enzyme-containing solution is determined and it is 0.10 ppm.
Lustrates the immobilization of acetolactate decarboxylase in a calcium alginate gel matrix. Wet cells of the Bacillus Licheniformis strain, generating acetolactate decarboxylase (50 g wet cells), are suspended in 50 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. 100 ml of a 4% sodium alginate solution are added to the resulting suspension, and the mixture is then added dropwise to a 0.1 M solution of calcium chloride. Thus, small calcium algipata granules are obtained containing acetolactate dscarboxyl.
shit. These granules are washed 3 times with 500 ml portions of phosphate buffer at pH 7 and then used analogously to Example 1.
Example 6. Wet, freshly prepared Bacillus Liche-niformis cells (50 g) producing aceto lactate decarboxylase are suspended in 250 ml O, 1 M phosphate buffer pH 6.0. This suspension is thoroughly stirred while cooling to 5 ° C and 50 ml of phosphate buffer containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde is added dropwise at this temperature for 30 minutes. The reaction mixture is then incubated for 3 hours at 5 ° C, after which the cells containing acetal lactate decarboxylase are removed from the reaction mixture by centrifugation. Subsequently, these cells are washed 5 times in 250 ml portions of phosphate buffer. The obtained chemically modified enzyme is used according to the proposed method, wherein the chemically modified enzyme exhibits superior stability compared to the unmodified enzyme, with a pH in the range of 4-6.
The proposed method allows to reduce the content of
Editor N. Rogulich Order 1228/58
Compiled by A. Ul Nova
Tehred, l.Oleynik Proofreader M. Samborska
Circulation 500
VNIIPI USSR State Committee
for inventions and discoveries 113035, Moscow, Zh-35, Raushsk nab., 4/5
Production and printing company, Uzhgorod, st. Project, 4

acetolactate and free diacetyl from 1.9 to 0.10 h, million,
Claims (4)
1 .. A method for producing fermented alcoholic beverages, which involves fermentation of the wort by aging, ripening and introducing it during or after the fermentation process, or during the maturation process of the enzyme, which is characterized by the fact that, in order to reduce the diacetyl content, acetome is used as an enzyme - lactate decarboxylase or isomerase, or reductoisomerase,
2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the enzyme is used in immobility.
3. The method according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that yeast is used in immobilized form,
4. A method according to claim 1, wherein t and h, 9 th and, so that acetolactate decarboxylase is used in a chemically modified form to ensure its stability and / or activity at a pH of 4-5.
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