The logical game has symbol bodies (3) which are provided with a designation surface and are movable relative to one another on a fixed path (2). In order to be able to increase or decrease the number of possible variations in a logical game of this type and thus also to alter at will the degree of difficulty of the task solution, channels (2), which are each constructed with the shape of a closed curve and form a closed system, are arranged on the game surface(s) (1) and/or in the game space in such a way that each channel (2) with at least one further channel (2j) has at least one common portion which is suitable for receiving symbol bodies (3), and the symbol bodies (3) which can be displaced or rolled between the side walls of the channels (2) with loose fit and are prevented from falling out of the channels (2) are arranged in the channels (2) in such a way that all the symbol bodies (3) situated inside one channel (2) can be moved by the movement of at least one symbol body (3) situated in said channel. <IMAGE>
发明作者:Гедеон Шандор;Йодал Шандор;Манджу Йожеф;Пап Эндре;Шюмеги Габор
申请人:Фок-Дьем Финоммеханикай Еш Электроникуш Мюсердьярто Севеткезет (Инопредприятие);

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6 3

The invention relates to logical toys.
The aim of the invention is to increase the interest,
Fig. 1 shows a logical toy, a general view; in FIG. 2, intersecting curvilinear channels {in FIG. 3 is a locking device; Fig, 4 - fixation tool
the parts in FIG. 5 are the channel, the cross section i in FIG. 6 is the same, with the part; Fig. 7 shows an impeller; Fig. 8 shows a disk with teeth in Fig. 9; an embodiment of the part; Fig. 0 shows a channel system with separating elements; Fig. 1 I shows separating elements; Fig. 12 and 13 show parts with parts projecting from the channels; Fig. 14 is an embodiment of the parts; Fig. 15 shows details of which each second is made in the form of a cylindrical body with rounded vertices;
Logical toy contains intersecting curvilinear channels 2-5 in the form of a closed curve made on the playing surface 1, Channels 2-5 are placed with the possibility of shifting or rolling the part 6 with symbols,
Curvilinear channels 2-5 are closed and have intersecting with each other intersecting at intersection points 7 and 8 or conjugation 9 common areas 10, the length of which is at least twice the width of part 6 along the middle line 11-14, Parts 6 with symbols Cylindrical or barrel-shaped or cube-shaped with rounded edges, with a rounding radius of 10-40%. cube edge lengths
The parts 6 with symbols are made in the form of cylinders with rounded base edges parallel to the playing surface, the cross section of which is a quadrilateral with concave sides.
The common section 10 of the intersecting channels always contains only one part 6 (FIG. 2). If the middle lines 11-14 match, then the general section 10 also contains only one part 6. If the middle lines II-14 have a common section O not in one point and along the area
10, then it contains at least two parts 6 of matching channels.
Part of the parts 6 has the form of flexible segmented bodies, whose length along the centerline of the channel is equal, where n is the width of the part.
When translating part 6 from one channel to another intersection point 7 and 8 or interface 9, are located at some distance from each other. Accordingly, the ratio between the arc length of the center line 11-14 and the length of the interface section is 5 between 10 any two intersection points 7 or 8 or the conjugation points 9 of the middle line of one channel with the middle line of the other channel can be expressed by a correct fraction, in which the denominator indicates the number of parts in the channel.
For example, the number of parts 6 in channel 4 (Fig. 1) is a total of thirty, and the ratio of the distance between both intersection points 7 and B of the middle line 13 with the middle line 14 of channel 5 to the total length of the arc of the middle line 13 of channel 4 8
is, while the ratio of the arc length between the intersection point 7 and the conjugation point 9 to the arc length of the entire center line 13
equal - and the ratio of the length of the arc
between the intersection point 8 and the conjugation point 9 to the arc length of the entire medium1 1
her line 13
also makes up yy
When rolling or shifting parts 6, it is necessary that parts can be moved only in one channel or in two channels at a time if the channels do not mate and do not intersect, Dn this parts 6 that are located in adjacent channels are locked with locking devices 15, spaced at the points of intersection of channels and passing parts in only one direction (Fig. 2),
Fig. 3 shows that, logically, a toy has one or several
locking devices 16 for intermediate locking adjacent to the 7 or 8 parts located at the intersection point 6. Locking device 16 holds the parts 6
but covering the channels with plates 17, repeating the shape of the channels. The plates 17 are provided with a button 18.
The means for fixing parts in the channels is made in the form of recesses 19 in the channels (FIG. 4). Between the plates and the channels are made slots 20.
Each channel has a groove 22 tapering in the upper part 21, which prevents the parts 6 from falling (Figures 5 and 6), while the parts 6 have a shank 23 placed in the groove 22.
The logic toy has means of moving parts, located at each intersection of the channels and made in the form of an impeller 24. The blades of the Krishchatka 24 are located between parts 6 (Fig. 7).
If the channels 2-5 have an average line 25 with the same radius, the movement of the parts is carried out by means of a disk 26 with teeth 27 placed between the parts (Fig. 8).
The locking devices 15, the locking means and the impeller are interconnected.
The parts 6 can be made in the form of segments 28, the length of which is twice the length of the part 6, perpendicular to the center line of the channel (Fig. 9).
If the flexible segment parts 28 are located in intersecting channels 2-5, then they cannot get from one channel to another. Because of this, there must be parts 6 in both channels that can move from one channel to another. The length of the parts 6 along the midline 15 is equal to the width of the parts 6 perpendicular to this midline (Fig. 10).
If the middle lines of the channels are circles, then the segment parts 28 may be configured as rigid segment parts 28.
If the middle lines of the channels have a common area (Fig. 9), then all the parts in the channels are separated as segment parts 28, but the length of at least parts of the flexible segment parts 28 along the middle line should not exceed the length of the total area of middle lines.
Separating elements 29 can be placed between parts 6 (Fig. II). The 6 ends of the separating elements 29 facing the parts can be made in the form of a body.
rotation with a concave cylindrical surface.
Part of the parts 6 is made in the form of magnetized in the radial direction. 5 x magnetic ferrite rings
(Fig. 14). If the magnetizing forces of the individual ferrite rings are equal, then the effect of the magnet repulsion forces keeps the parts 6 at the same distance 10 from each other.
. If the placement of the parts 6 inside the channels 2-3 is uneven, then spring-loaded elements 30 are located between the parts 6 (Fig. 9). 15 The parts 6 protrude from the channels (Fig. 12 and 13).
Parts 6 may form groups of parts so that their random set can be used to produce a stop — 20 sets.
Claims (10)
The invention relates to logical toys. The aim of the invention is to increase the interest. FIG. 1 shows a logical toy, a general view; in FIG. 2, intersecting curvilinear channels {in FIG. 3 is a locking device; FIG. 4 shows the means for fixing parts in FIG. 5, a channel, cross section i in FIG. 6, the same with the part; Fig. 7 shows an impeller; Fig. 8 shows a disk with teeth in Fig. 9; an embodiment of the part; Fig. 0 shows a channel system with separating elements; Fig. 1 I separating elements; Fig. 12 and 13 show parts with parts projecting from the channels; Fig. 14 is an embodiment of the parts; Fig. 15 shows the parts, each of which is made in the form of a cylindrical body with rounded vertices, the Logic toy contains intersecting curvilinear channels 2-5 in the form of a closed curve, and canals 2-5 are placed in the playing surface 1 hectare or rolling parts 6 with symbols, Curved channels 2-5 are closed and have each other intersecting at intersection points 7 and 8 or conjugation 9 with common parts 10, the length of which is at least twice the width of part 6 by average l SRI 11-14 parts 6 with symbols placed in channels 2-5 without gaps therebetween and a cylindrical or barrel shape or cube shape with rounded edges, wherein the radius of curvature is 10-40%. cube edge lengths. Parts 6 with symbols are made in the form of cylinders with rounded edges of the bases parallel to the playing surface, the cross section of which is a quadrilateral with concave sides. The common section 10 of the intersecting channels always contains only one part 6 (FIG. 2). If the middle lines 11-14 match, then the general section 10 also contains only one part 6. If the middle lines II14 have a common section O not in one point, and along the interface area 10, then there are at least two parts 6 of the mating channels. Part of the parts 6 has the form of flexible segmented bodies, whose length along the centerline of the channel is equal, where n is the width of the part. When translating part 6 from one channel to another intersection points 7 and 8 or interface 9, are located at some distance from each other. Accordingly, the ratio between the arc length of the center line 11-14 and the length of the interface 10 between two intersection points 7 or 8 or conjugation points 9 of the middle line of one channel with the middle line of another channel can be expressed by a correct fraction, in which the denominator indicates the number of parts in the channel. For example, the number of parts 6 in channel 4 (Fig. 1) is a total of thirty, and the ratio of the distance between both intersection points 7 and B of the middle line 13 with the middle line 14 of channel 5 to the total arc length of the middle line 13 of channel 4 8 is while the ratio of the arc length between the intersection point 7 and the conjugation point 9 to the arc length of the entire centerline 13 .P. is equal - and the ratio of the arc length between the intersection point 8 and the conjugation point 9 to the arc length of the entire centerline 13 also is gy. When rolling or shifting parts 6, it is necessary that the parts could be moved only in one channel or in two channels , if the channels do not mate and do not intersect, Dp this parts 6 located in adjacent channels are locked with locking devices 15, located at the intersections of the channels and transmitting parts in only one direction (Fig. 2). FIG. 3 shows that logical game Single has one or more locking devices 16 for locking neighboring intermediate, with said schimis at the intersection point 7 or 8 details thereof 6. A locking device 16 holds pieces 6 partial channels but closing plates 17 was repeated opposed shaping channels. The plates 17 are provided with a button 18. The means for fixing parts in the channels is made in the form of recesses 19 in the channels (FIG. 4). Slots 20 are made between the plates and the channels. Each channel has a groove 22 narrowing in the upper part 21, which prevents the parts 6 from falling (figure 5 and 6), while the parts 6 have a shank 23 placed in the groove 22. The logic toy has movement of parts located at each channel intersection and made in the form of an impeller 24 The blades of the lambs 24 are located between parts 6 (Fig. 7). If channels 2-5 have an average line of 25 with the same radius, the movement of parts is carried out using a disk 26 with teeth 27 placed between the parts (Fig. 8). The locking devices 15, the locking means and the impeller are interconnected. Parts 6 can be made in the form of segments 28, the length of which is twice the length of part 6, perpendicular to the center line of the channel (Fig. 9). If the flexible segment parts 28 are located in intersecting channels 2-5, then they cannot get from one channel to another. Because of this, there must be parts 6 in both channels that can move from one channel to another. The length of the parts 6 along the midline 15 is equal to the width of the parts 6 perpendicular to this midline (Fig. 10). If the middle lines of the channels are circles, then the segment parts 28 can be made as rigid segment parts 28. If the middle lines of the channels have a common section (FIG. 9), then all the parts in the channels are executed as segment parts 28, but the length at least part of the flexible segment parts 28 along the midline should not exceed the length of the common section of the middle lines. Separating elements 29 can be placed between parts 6 (Fig. II). The ends of the separating elements 29 facing the parts 6 can be made in the form of a rotation body 604 with a concave cylindrical surface. Part of the parts 6 is made in the form of magnetic ferrite rings magnetized in radial directions (Fig. 14). If the magnetizing forces of the individual ferrite rings are equal, then the effect of the repulsive forces of the magnets keeps the parts 6 at the same distance from each other. . If the placement of the parts 6 inside the channels 2-3 is uneven, then spring-loaded elements 30 are located between the parts 6 (Fig. 9). Parts 6 protrude from the channels (Fig. 12 and 13). Parts 6 may form groups of parts so that ordered sets can be obtained from their disordered set. Claim 1. Logic toy containing curvilinear channels made on the playing surface and placed in channels with the possibility of shifting or converting parts with symbols, characterized in that, in order to increase entertaining, curvilinear channels are closed and have each other intersecting or common areas, the length of which is at least twice the pyrin of the part along the centerline of the channel, and the part with the symbols are placed in the channels without spaces between them.
2. A toy according to claim I, characterized in that the parts are cylindrical or barrel-shaped.
3. The toy of claim 1, wherein the rolled part has the shape of a cube with rounded edges, and the curvature radius is 10-40% of the length of the edge of the cube.
4. A toy according to claim 1, characterized in that the parts are made in the form of cylinders with rounded base edges, the cross section of which is parallel to the playing surface is a quadrilateral with concave sides.
5. The toy according to claim 1, which means that some of the parts have the form of flexible segmented bodies, whose length along the center line of the channel is equal to (.), Where n is the width of the piece. 51
6.Toy on PP. 1-5, about tlichayupta with the fact that some parts are made in the form of magnetic ferrite rings magnetized in the radial direction,
7.Toy on PP. 1-6, characterized in that it has locking devices located at the intersections of the channels and transmitting parts in only one direction.
8. Playing on PP, 1-7, about t l and so that it contains at least one clamping device for clamping parts located in the common sections of the channels.
9. The game on PP, .1-8, characterized in that it has a means of fixing parts in the channels made in the form of recesses in the channels,
10.Toy on PP. 1-9, characterized in that it has 06 plates partially covering the channels, which follow the shape of the channels, AND, Igruppka according to claims. 1-10, characterized in that slots are made between the plates and the channels. 12, Toy on PP. 1-11, each of which has a taper in the upper part of the groove, preventing the loss of parts, 13, Igruika in PP, 1-12, characterized in that it has a means of moving parts, located in each the intersection of the channels and is made in the form of an impeller, the blades of which are located between the parts, 14, Toy on PP, 1-13, about the tach ich with the fact that the locking device, means of fixation and impeller are interconnected , 15,. The toy of PP, 1-14, about the fact that the details protrude from the channels.
FIG. 2
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