![]() Method of treating bitumen sands
In the extraction of bitumen oils from oil sands, the raw material is first slurried with a stream of hot water under conditions promoting the release of the bitumen oils without disintegration of clay in the raw material; the water to raw material is at least 1:1 by weight. The slurry is separated into an oil-rich component, a solids component, and a middlings component containing essentially water and fines with only minor proportions of oil and solids. The middlings component, after removal of the contained fines and the solids is recycled as a part of the slurrying water. 公开号:SU1189354A3 申请号:SU813336050 申请日:1981-09-16 公开日:1985-10-30 发明作者:Денте Марио;Поркари Джулиано;Фишер Робинсон Ли 申请人:Ртр Риотинто Тил Холдинг С.А. (Фирма); IPC主号:
The invention relates to a method for extracting bitumen oils from a raw material consisting mainly of extracted oil sand, but also containing clay and other impurities, and can be used in the oil industry. The aim of the invention is to reduce energy consumption during the processing of tar sands. FIG. 1 shows a flow chart for the implementation of the proposed method; in fig. 2 - then the simplified version; in fig. 3-6 conditioner drum suitable for use as an autoclave. Produced oil sand (Fig. 1) is continuously supplied by lines 1, where hot water is supplied through line 2 and 3, and, if necessary, additional water is supplied through line 4. The resulting mixture is fed into line-conditioner 5 or autoclave 6. At this time, the pH of the water is adjusted by adding sodium hydroxide or another suitable reagent through line 7. In autoclave 6, the petroleum feed is subjected to weak mixing in order to separate the bituminous oils without grinding the lumps of clay contained in the oil sand. KpqMe also, a high water / solid ratio and moderate mechanical impact in an autoclave contribute to the formation of separate layers in the autoclave: one containing most of the water and oil, and the other containing a large part of the solid particles. In the flow chart (Fig. 1), a stream containing most of the solid particles is used, and the liquid stream is withdrawn from autoclave 6 separately along lines 8 and 9, respectively. The temperature of the hot water supplied to the autoclave 6 is 76.6 to 90 ° C. The treatment of the oil sand in the conditioner drum 6 takes place with a strong dilution, the weight ratio water / oil sand is at least 1.2: 1 . A water to dry sand ratio of 1.5: 1 is usually taken, but with a higher clay content in oil sand, a 2: 1 ratio is preferable. With an unusually high loading content of large frozen lumps of oil sand, for which greater heat input is required, the water / oil sand ratio can reach 2.5: 1. The mild conditioning conditions of the oil sand in the autoclave 6 and the relatively high ratio of hot water / oil sand are based on the fact that oil sand is an unstable system at temperatures of softening bitumen at temperatures of temperatures of softening bitumen the main source of energy for the grinding of non-tenos sand is interfacial energy at the phase boundary of relict water and bituminous oils; lumps of clay during grinding are much less sensitive to thermal effects than to mechanical, oil sand can be evaporated by hot water without water vapor supply, reliquity water acts as a lubricant in the separation of bituminous oils, cracks in lumps of oil-bearing sand reduce the size of aggregates and facilitate the action of hot water, and low mixing of oil sand / water mixture in the drum, it is required to increase the contact of water with solid particles and to improve heat transfer. Therefore, heavy mechanical grinding of the extracted oil sand in the autoclave is not only unnecessary, but even harmful, since it breaks up lumps of clay and a relatively large amount of fine particles are formed in the resulting suspension. On the other hand, mild conditioning conditions with strong dilution, promote efficient separation of bituminous oils without destroying the clay and forming a large amount of suspended fine particles. Further, it was found that the solids — sand and clay — are separated from the liquid components of the suspension in the autoclave 6. From the autoclave 6, the large solid particles through line 8 flow under the force of gravity through the sieve 10 into the sand separator 11, from the sieve 10 large lumps ( usually clay, rock and other impurities) are diverted via line 12 to discharge line 13. on the other hand, liquid flow through line 9 is fed to A separator 14 for separating oil and oil, in which air separation can also be carried out to facilitate the separation process, the lower aqueous fraction discharged along line 5-15 is sent to line 8 for dilution of the flow of lumpy solids before being fed to the sieve 10. Some cases It is more advantageous to clean the stream on line 15 by air flotation than to process it in a separator 14 for separating oil and water. Both separation steps carried out in the sand removal unit 11 and the oil / water separation separator 14 allow a low concentration of bituminous oils in the sand separator to be achieved, and this is the case, as well as a positive effect on the concentration of clay under mild conditioning conditions. and a high degree of dilution with water leads to a decrease in oil loss with sand discharged from the bottom of the sand separator 11 into line 13 via line 16. In addition, a low, 5 ka concentration of bituminous oils in the intermediate stream significantly improves this Operational characteristics of water treatment devices to be described. The bitumen foam, taken from the top of the separator 13 through line 17, from the top of the sand separator 11 through line 18, is withdrawn along line 19 to deaerator 20 for the subsequent 35 treatment that will be described. The ejected sand enters through line 21 to line 13, and the intermediate layer is withdrawn through line 22 and is fed, for recycling, to the autoclave 6 after 0 treatment in order to partially remove solid particles. The intermediate water stream through line 22 is pumped to recirculation 45 line 3, and the water temperature is increased by introducing water vapor through line 23. A part of the selected intermediate stream is fed through line 24 to a 25 dp coagulant-50 l sump and settling, Acid is added to the intermediate stream through line 26 in order to lower the pH to coagulate, resulting from the introduction of coagulant on line 27. For- 55 dense solid particles, including coagulated fine particles, come from device 25 through 28 to the centrifuge 29, from which the solid particles flow along line 30 to the solid discharge discharge line 13. The liquid from the device 25 is withdrawn via line 31, supplied by the pump 32 to line 2, and before entering the autoclave, its temperature is raised in the heat exchanger 33. The liquid from the centrifuge 29 is recycled to the autoclave 6 through line 34 and line 3. Depending on the operating conditions of the process, the liquid in line 31 and the thickened solids from device 25 can be partially or completely neutralized by adding sodium hydroxide or other suitable substance through line 7 with the main character. In another embodiment, a separating agent, e.g., phosphate, sodium may be added. Additional water after increasing its temperature in the heat exchanger is supplied either through line 2 or through line 15. Additional water can also be added via line 4 to the bottom of sand separator 11, as shown. Since in the autoclave 6 the lumps of clay are not crushed, the amount of fine particles to be removed in the sump 25 and the centrifuge 29 is relatively small and, therefore, the productivity of the equipment is small and the amounts of acid, coagulant and neutralization reagent to be introduced are also small. In addition, the amount of coagulant that needs to be supplied via line 27 directly depends on the amount of hydrocarbons in the intermediate stream, and the high efficiency of oil separation in devices 14 and 11 also saves coagulum. Oil-rich foam coming through line 19 from sand separator 11 and separator 14 of oil and water separation flows through deaerator 20 to pump 35. The latter delivers foam to contactor 36, which is supplied with diluent (kerosene) through line 37 to dissolve bitumen oils. Chemical substances are added to the bitumen foam emulsion that promote separation, for example, along line 38 to increase the efficiency of the subsequent water separation process. The bituminous oil solution is washed with a stream of water supplied through line 39 to separate the water and solid particles contained in the foam. The diagram shows that diluted foam and water (passes through the contactor 36 with a coil, but the contactor can also work countercurrently. The chemical substance that promotes the separation of the emulsion can be fed not along line 38, but into contactor 36, preferably through a plurality of points located along the contactor at a distance from each other. friend The desmulsifier causes sticking of small water droplets mixed with the hydrocarbon phase in the contactor, and avoids the difficulty of precipitating these droplets from bituminous oils. The bituminous oil solution flows out of the contactor through line 40, and the water stream flowing through line 41 is treated to separate the solids contained therein and the oil diluent. The water stream is supplied by pump 42 via line 41 to a separator 43 for separating large solids, which is similar to sand separator 11. Large solid particles, including sand, are discharged from separator 43 through line 44 to discharge line 13, and the aqueous intermediate stream is pumped to separator 46 from oil and water. The oil separated in the separators 43 and 46 is collected in line 47 and pumped through line 48 to contactor 36 through the feed port for diluted oil. The aqueous phase from the oil and water separation separator 46 is fed through line 49 to a thickener (coagulant) 50 by pump, from which condensed solid flows through line 51 to centrifuge 52, devices 49 and 52 are similar in design and function to device 25 and centrifuge 29 , the liquid from the thickener 50 after neutralization by introducing caustic soda in line 53 through line 54 is fed to recirculation by pump 55. Most of the recirculating water is heated in heat exchanger 56 to create a water flow in line 39, and the rest of the water is fed through line 57 by pump 32 for recycling to the autoclave via line 2. Since most of the oil is separated in separator 46 from the intermediate stream, separating solids from separator 43, and since relatively small amounts of small particles are contained in the system, the operation of thickener 50 is facilitated and the productivity of centrifuge 52 should not be large. As before, the consumption of acid, coagulant and alkali is also reduced. It has been found that cleaner water and thicker sludge can be obtained if the pH of the lower stream of the thickener is adjusted before feeding it to the centrifuge 52 in the same way as for the thickener 0 25 and centrifuges 29. Liquid from centrifuge 52 is fed along line 58 to line 48, and condensed residue is dropped along line 59 to line 13. Due to the fact that 5 water, inevitably containing insignificant amounts of solids, from the thickener 50 to the water supply line 39 to the contactor 36 can cause a decrease in the contactor's performance, fresh additional water can be fed to the contactor to the contactor line 60. In this case, all the water from the thickener 50 is pumped by line 55 to line 57 to recycle line 3. FIG. 2 shows a simplified version of the technological scheme of FIG. 1, according to which the separation of bitumen foam, intermediate stream and large solid particles are carried out in a single apparatus - a sand separator. The rest of the technological scheme remains unchanged. Oil sand is continuously fed through line 61, where hot water is supplied through lines 62 and 63, and, if necessary, through line 64 -: additional water. The resulting mixture is fed through line 65 to the conditioning drum 66. In this case, the pH of the water is controlled by adding reagent through line 67. Flow from the separator is taken out through line 68, passes through the sieve 69 and using pump 70 enters 5 into the separator 71. Sieve 69 large lumps are diverted via line 72 to discharge line 73. The bituminous foam is withdrawn from separator 71, along line 74 enters deaerator 75 for further processing. The spent sand through line 76 enters line 73, and the intermediate layer through line 77 is pumped by line 78 to line 79 or to circulation line 63. Water temperature is controlled by introducing steam through line 80. Part of the intermediate stream is fed through line 79 to sump 81. For adjusting the pH, acid is added via line 82 and through line 83, coagulant. The coagulated solids from the sump 81 through line 84 enter the centrifuge 85, from which solids through line 86 enter the line 73. Liquid from the sump 81 is withdrawn through line 87, fed by pump 88 into line 62 and before it enters the drum W the conditioner is heated in heat exchanger 89. Liquid from centrifuge 85 is recycled through line 90 to line 63. If necessary, sodium hydroxide or sodium phosphate is introduced into line 87 through line 67. The oil to the foam from the deaerator 75 is pumped into the contactor 92 by the pump 91, to which a kero is supplied via line 93. syn. A bitumen emulsion breaker is added via line 94. The bituminous oils are washed with a stream of water fed through line 95. The oil solution from the contactor is discharged along LI1SHI 96 J and water is taken through line 97, and then pump 98 is fed to separator 99, where large solid particles are separated, which along line 100 is withdrawn to line 73. An intermediate water stream is pumped ( 101 a separator 102 separating oil and water. Separated in separators 99 and 102, oil is collected in line 103 and is pumped via line 104 to contactor 92. The water phase from separator 102 is pumped via line 1.05 to the thickener 106, from where the solid phase is sent via line 107 to centrifuge 108. Liquid from apparatus 106 through line 109 by pump 110 through heat exchanger 111 is fed to recirculation to apparatus 92. If necessary, alkali is supplied via line 112. Liquid from the centrifuge is fed through line 113 to line 103, and the remainder from the centrifuge is fed through line 114 to line 73. In the case of supplying fresh water through line 115, all the water from the thickener 106 through line 116 is fed to line 62. 5 An air conditioner drum or an autoclave suitable for use as autoclave 6 (Fig. 3-6) with separate outlets consists of rotating drum with a housing 10 117 mounted on rollers for rotation around a horizontal axis and driven into rotation by means of a gear (not shown). Screw sections 118 located at a distance from each other around the circumference (in the illustrated example, there are four such sections) are attached to the inner wall of the body 117 5 above the greater part of the drum length. Each section consists of a series of metal strips 119, which are axially spaced apart from each other, parallel to each other, and inclined at a right angle to the axis of the drum (Fig. 4). The strips of 119 t nuts from body 117 are only for a short distance compared to the diameter of the drum. 0 Between successive pairs of screw sections. 118, there are sets of mixers 120. Each mixer is a metal strip that is attached to an internal 5 to the wall of the housing 117 and t is parallel to the axis of the housing. FIG. 3 agitators 120 are not located radially, but each of them is inclined to the corresponding radius. 0 In the autoclave, there are also rows 121 of internal helical bars 122. Eight such rows are shown in the drawing with one row installed in a single line, with each of the screw sections 118 and with each set of a mix. lok 120. Each screw bar 122 resembles a rod, although it preferably has a square cross section, and is attached at one end to the edges of the metal strips 119. Further (Fig. 4 and 5), the internal screw bars 122 in each row are inclined to the axis of the drum in a Christmas tree, and the bars of each row and 121 are displaced in relation to the bars of the neighboring row. One end of the body 117 is closed by an end plate having a central one. inlet for entry of feed material. Other butt (Fig. 6) is open and has a central tubular outlet 123 for solids, which is located at the end of the body 117 and above the body for a short length of time. The solid solids piping 123 is secured in place with the device 124, the outer circumference of which is welded or otherwise attached to the inner wall of the drum 117. The annular channel that surrounds the outlet 123 and in which there is a screw 124 forms a vent hole solids. A slurry of oil sand via line 1 enters the autoclave drum through an inlet (the design of the end faces with holes is described). The drum rotates counterclockwise (Fig. 3) at a low CKOpoctbro, for example, as much as revolutions per minute, such a low speed is used to avoid crushing the clay of the clay. The suspension enters the central space inward, the internal helical bars 122, these screw bars are at such a distance from one another that relatively small masses of oil-bearing sand and solids from crushed oil-bearing sand fall through the screw bars in the annular space between them and the body 117 On the other hand, large masses of clay cannot get into this annular space and at first they move gradually along the autoclave due to the screw action of the bars 122. Oil sand and solids that have fallen through the internal screw bars 122 are weakly mixed with agitators 120, which, due to the inclination of the position, do not transfer solids upward in the autoclave during the rotation of the body. At the same time, solids move gradually in the axial direction along the body 117 under the action of sections 118 of metal strips 119. As a result of the weak mixing of oil sand with agitators 120, oil sand particles are crushed and the bituminous oils are transferred to hot water, and the remaining sand is retained between the inner helical bars 122 and the body 117 In the direction of the discharge end of the body 117, the step of the internal helical bars 122 increases, as a result of this, the masses of clay fall through them, joining sand that is already not containing oil. The slope and pitch of the metal strips 119 are such that the solid moves axially along the body at a rate much lower than the amount of liquid passing through the unit. At the unloading end of the drum, the liquid — hot water and tar sands — are discharged through the central tube hole 123 through line 9 (Fig. 1). At the same time, solids that slowly move along the bottom of the drum due to the screw action of the metal strips 121 are discharged by the screw through the solids outlet 123, surrounding the liquids outlet 123, along line 8. Examples of the implementation of the proposed method. Example 1. The composition of oil sand of average quality, May. %: Bitum11 Water6 Solid fractions 83 Total 100 Distribution of solid fractions, May. %: Large solid particles 68. Small. particulate matter (less than 44 microns) 15 Total83 When processing the original product pH 8.5-10.0, depending on the pumping oil sands, when processing water (blocks 25 and 50) - pH 7.0.8, 5 also depending on the quality of oil sands. Through line 37, kerosene is supplied as a solvent or diluent. In the example above, represented as a material balance, the ratio of tar sand and water in an autoclave is 1: 1.8. If we take into account the process water supplied through line 4, the ratio will be 1: 2. The water temperature in the autoclave 6 is 90 C. Table. 1 and 2 show the material balances for the technological schemes in FIG. 1 and 2 respectively. In tab. 3, the material balance of sand processing is known by a known method with hot water treatment. . As follows from the table. 3, in the conventional method, more water is consumed for the same extraction of bitumen from sand and more fine clay particles are formed, which further increases the energy consumption when they are separated. Example 2. Experiments are conducted on oil sands of different quality and at different temperatures water loaded into the air conditioner (item 6). The amount of water loaded into the autoclave is obtained by subtracting the amount of oil sand, directed through line 1, from the total amount of material fed to the conditioner through line 5. The temperature in the conditioner is a function of the ratio: oil-bearing sand / water in the conditioner and water temperature. During the experiments, the temperature of oil sand is about 3 ° C and hot water is about 90-95 0. The quality of the sand is determined by the percentage of bitumen in it. Bitumen, wt.% Oil-bearing sand, quality 8 and below Poor 9-12 Average; 12 and above A good Amount of water added to sand depending on the quality of bituminous sand, should be followed (recycling is calculated from the streams coming in on lines 5 and 1): Oil sand quality Medium Good Bad Oil sand 100.0 100.0 100 , 0: Water + recycle 211.1 151.6 260.9 The quality of oil sand depends on the ratio of oil-bearing juice, juice / water: 2.1 average, 1.5 good, 2.6 bad. The temperature in the air conditioner depends on the quality of the sand: Quality of oil-bearing sand Temperature-Average Good Poor water tour, С 90 80.6 76.6 82.2 95 85.0 81.7 86.8 Temperature of oil-bearing sand. As follows from the above data, when the temperature of oil-bearing sand is 3 ° C, the temperature in the conditioner varies from 76.6 to 85 ° C in accordance with the temperature of the source water and the quality of the oil-bearing sand. Example 3. Data in the form of four material balances for the processing of tar sands are presented in Table. 4-7: I. Highly bitumen sand with a bitumen content of 14%, processed according to the scheme in FIG. 1 (Table 4), II. The same sand, processed according to the scheme of FIG. 2 (tab. 5), III. Low sand sand containing 8% bitumen, processed according to the scheme of FIG. 1 (Table 6), IV. The same sand, treated according to the scheme of FIG. 2 (tab. 7). In experiments I and II, the ratio of bituminous sand to process water passing through line 4 and fed to the inlet of air conditioner 6 through line 2 is 100/150, i.e. 1: 1.5. If the process water is alternatively supplied to the bottom of the sand separator 11, this ratio will be 100 / 122.8, i.e. 1: 1,2. In experiments III and IV, the corresponding ratios of bituminous sand and water are 100/250 or 1: 2.5 and 100/218.8 or 1: 2.2. It also follows from the material balances that there may be different ratios for the first additional flow of line 22. In runs I and II, the ratio of this flow through line 22 to the starting material (line 22) is 54.7 / 118.7 or about 46%; while in trials III and IV, the ratio is 14.7 / 264.7 or about 5.5%. Table 1 17.5 182.0 0.2 Also 136.6 Ditto Ditto Ditto . 2.5 65, 2 6.3 13.5 0.1 - 0.1 89.6 200.0 0.5 Total 0.2 Bitumens 105.0 25.3 Water of the Large grain fraction Tonka Traces 0.5 fraction 0.2 Thinner 105.0 26.2 2.0 Total 0.3 Minimum Footprints Bitumens 25.7 Same 0.2 0.6 Same 0.4 Continued table. one 1.9, 1 | 150.0 0.2 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 Minimum 0.1 0.5 If necessary 9, 8 0.1 16.0 1.0 0.7 24.2 0.3 9.9 0, 1 1.2 24.2 9.9 16, 0 20.8 45.5 Ditto 8.2 Coarse fraction 0.9 Tonka. 0.1 0.3 fraction 0.7 Traces 0.2 Thinner - 0.3 1.2 1.3 Total 27.9 11.0 -0.5 Bitumens 6.0 113.2 45.5 Water Coarse Tonka fraction fraction Thinner 100.0 113.2 50.0 23, total Continued table. one Table 2 23, 0.6 0.2 3.4 0.1 - 0.8 50.0 - 8.2 12.512.5 09.6209.6 68.668.6 20.420.4 11.1 311.13.0 45 , 0 100.6 21.0 24.0 21, S 84.6 Total Bitumen in the product Extraction of bitumen: tg Bitumen in raw materials Water for processing: 0.32 wt. hours 1 weight.h. oil sands. Fine particles in the sediment after centrifugation Disaggregation of small; , particles (clay) fine particles in raw materials 11.09.9 6,010.1 68,00,9 15,00,6 100,021,5 Bitumen in the product .., „ Extraction of bitumen .f .., .. „. , 90% Bitumen in raw materials. Water for processing: 0.555 mach. on p / V Small disaggregation of small particles (clay) t, 0.5 200.0 90% Table 3 1.0 50.6 55.5 66.4 12.0 55.5 130.0 Fine 1 mac. oil sands. particles in main fractions ,,,, “, particles in raw materials r HMWW " l : AT. 119 u V 120 fig.Z 121 1P: 122 W / YY 121 fi $. five Chzig four 117 -t t one " g " .at
Claims (3) [1] 1. METHOD FOR PROCESSING BITUMEN SANDS by mixing the initial wet sand with hot water at a mass ratio of sand: Oh yes, equal to 1: 1.2-2.5, at '76.6-90 ° C to obtain an aqueous suspension, feeding the suspension into a separation zone, isolating a stream containing sand and a stream containing foamed bitumen, and then supplying a stream containing foamed bitumen into the separation zone with the release of bitumen, characterized in that, in order to reduce energy consumption, 'mixing the original wet. sand with hot water is carried out in a drum-conditioner, in the separation zone an additional stream is separated containing water, small solid particles, traces of bitumen and large solid particles, this stream is divided into two streams, the first stream in the amount of 5.5-46 may. % of the original is sent to the mixing zone without ingestion of the solid particles and bitumen contained in it, and the second stream is subjected to coagulation and centrifugation to isolate solid. g of particles and bitumen and then recycle this clarified stream to the mixing zone. [2] 2. The method of pop. 1, characterized in that the additional stream is isolated in the sump during separation of the stream containing foamed bitumen. [3] 3. The method of pop. 1, characterized in that the pH of the second stream isolated from the additional stream, before or after centrifugation is adjusted to a value of 7.0-8.5. MPA 00 about SL
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申请号 | 申请日 | 专利标题 IT6843880A|IT1129259B|1980-09-17|1980-09-17|EXTRACTION PROCESS FOR BITUMINOUS OILS| 相关专利
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