METHOD OF OBTAINING Cj-C OLEFINS by converting methanol and / or dimethyl ether in the presence of water on silica-alumina containing manganese, characterized in that, in order to increase the productivity of the process, aluminosilicate is used, washed before applying manganese at 0-50 ° C with neutralized alkali metal hydroxide to pH 3-7 with an aqueous solution of ethylenediaminetetra acetic or tartaric acid.
发明作者:Вундер Фридрих;Инго Лойпольд Эрнст;Хахенберг Хорст;Шмидт Ханс-Йоахим
申请人:Хехст Аг (Фирма);

00 4 The invention relates to the field of olefinic hydrocarbon production. A known method of producing olefins by converting methanol and / or dimethyl ether over a catalyst is hydrated zirconium sulfate containing less than one mole of water applied to an oxide oxide y-alumina, silica or zirconium. The process is carried out at 100-1000 ° C and pressure up to 70 atm. 1J. The disadvantages of the method are the low conversion of the raw materials and the low yield of the target product. Thus, at a temperature of 330-340 ° C, the conversion of the cheese is 21.2%. The closest to the proposed is a method for producing olefins by converting methanol and / or dimethyl ether, including in the presence of water on an aluminosilicate containing manganese 2, However, the catalyst must be periodically regenerated, i.e. remove by-products from them, and regeneration is possible at relatively low temperatures of 3 00-500 ° C, preferably at the temperature of the main process, using air or other oxygen-containing gases. Pr) and using methanol that does not contain moisture or contains it in small amounts, such catalysts can be repeatedly regenerated and no decrease in their activity or selectivity is observed. In the case where the methanol conversion is less than 100%, a methanol-water mixture is formed during this reaction, from which it is necessary to extract the methanol again. However, if no special measures are taken, the distillation produces methanol with a higher or lower water content. The disadvantage of the method is that in the presence of water in methanol, which has a beneficial effect on the selectivity of catalysts for the formation of ethylene, the amount of butene formed is particularly strongly reduced, as was clearly reduced by the activity of some aluminosilicate catalysts containing manganese. This reduces the productivity of the process and dramatically. reduces the number of regeneration cycles, which leads to increased catalyst consumption. This problem is solved by thoroughly dehydrating the methanol before returning it to the process. However, this method requires a lot of energy. The purpose of the invention is to increase the productivity of the process by increasing the stability of the catalyst. The goal is achieved by the fact that according to the method of producing olefins by converting methanol and / or dimethyl ether in the presence of water on an aluminosilicate containing manganese, aluminosilicate is used, washed before the application of manganese at 0-50 With neutral alkali metal hydroxide to pH 3-7 ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid or tartaric acid. As aluminosilicates, for example, conventional amorphous acidic cracking catalysts containing, as a rule, 1325% by weight of alumina and 75-87% by weight of silica are usually used. In addition, natural or synthetic crystalline aluminosilicates can also be used, for example zhazites, zeolitysabasites, analcime, hisisonite, gmelinite, natrolite, mordenite and erionite, also known collectively as molecular sieves. In the case of molecular sieves with different pore diameters, it is advisable to use sieves with large pores, for example with pores with a diameter of 5A or more. Prior to applying manganese to the catalyst in accordance with the invention, the silicates are washed with a solution of ethylene diamine tetraacetic or tartaric acid, the pH of which is adjusted to 3-7, preferably 4-5, with alkali metal hydroxide. It is advisable to use sodium or potassium hydroxide for this purpose. The concentration of solutions of ethyl diamine tetraacetic and tartaric acids can vary widely, from about 1% to saturated solutions. It is preferable to apply solutions that are close to those at room temperature. After the catalyst has been washed with a solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic 31 or tartaric acid, it is washed with a pure solvent to remove the remaining acid. Activation of the catalyst is carried out by applying manganese to the aluminosilicate as a solution of its salt (in an amount of, for example, 0.1-10% by weight). To do this, you can, for example, soak the aluminosilicate with a solution of manganese salt, and then dry it. B: it is preferable to use water, methanol, formamide, dimethylformamide or their mixtures as a solvent for the salt of manganese. It is most advisable to use water for this purpose. Manganese can be applied to the catalyst and by more prolonged exposure of the manganese salt solution to aluminosilicate, followed by washing it with pure solvent and drying. In the case of molecular sieves, their impregnation with a metal cation can be carried out using any of the methods used for this purpose. For example, one can exchange the cations present on the molecular sieve for manganese cations at the beginning. However, it is possible to preliminarily convert the molecular sieve into a proton form, and then treat it with a solution of a salt of manganese. As a salt of manganese, any of its soluble salts can be used, for example, chloride, sulfate, nitrate, formic acid salt, ace butyrate, lactate, citrate, propionate, rat, tartrate and block acid salt. After impregnation, the catalysts are dried under vacuum or normal pressure. and at normal or elevated temperature. As a rule, drying is carried out at a temperature below 600 ° C, preferably at 100-200 ° C. Methyl alcohol and / or dimethyl ether, the ether can be diluted with inert gases. To reduce the partial pressure of the starting components, for example, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and alkenes can be used. To this end, the reaction can be carried out under reduced pressure to 0.1 bar. The water content of the feed can vary widely. However, the higher the water content, the greater the cost of evaporation and distillation. The reaction is carried out, as a rule, in the temperature range of 300-500, 4 preferably 350-450, most preferably 380-420 C. If the reaction is carried out in such a way that the degree of methanol conversion is less than 100%, the unreacted starting products after separation from the reaction mixture can be returned to the process. The alkenes obtained by the proposed method can be separated from each other, as well as from alkanes formed as by-products, by conventional methods, for example, by distillation. Thus, in accordance with the invention, it is possible to obtain highly alkanes from high methacrylate from methanol and / or dimethyl ether in the presence of water. Example 1 (for comparison). 300 ml of a mixture of 70% by weight of chabazite and 30% by weight of erionite in the form of extruded products are impregnated with 300 ml of a saturated aqueous solution of manganese acetate, washed after 48 hours with water and dried. The result is 202 g of catalyst containing 3.6 wt.%. Above the catalyst thus obtained is passed 89.1 g / h of methanol at. You get 25,8 l / h of gas containing, wt.%: Ethylene 31,0; propylene 32.5; butene 5.4; methane 6.8; ethane 1.4; about „an 19.3; butane 3.4; the rest is 0.3 and 4.5 g of dimethyl ether, 9.2 g of methanol and 43.8 g of water. This corresponds to the degree of methanol conversion of 89.5%, selectivity relative to C g. - C4 olefins 68.8% and selectivity to C-C hydrocarbons 93%, provided that the formed dimethyl ether and unreacted methanol returned the process. When reducing the catalyst activity, it was regenerated by passing air through it at 430 C. The activity of the regenerated catalyst was the same as that of the fresh catalyst. And after 26 regeneration cycles, the catalyst activity did not decrease. Example 2 (for comparison). The process is carried out analogously to Example 1, with the only difference that 45.4 g / h of water is added to the initial methanol. At a consumption of methanol of 92.3 g / h and water of 45.4 g / h, 26.2 l / h of gas is obtained, containing, in wt.%: Ethylene, 34.2; propylene 33.7; butene 6.3; methane 7.2; ethane 1,3; propane 14.7; butane 2,4; the balance is 0.2, as well as 4.3 g of dimethyl ether, 8.9 methanol and 44.2 g of water. . . This corresponds to a methanol conversion level of 98.7%, a selectivity for Cd-C-olefins of 74.2% and a selectivity for C-C hydrocarbons of 92.6%, provided that the formed dimethyl ether and unreacted methanol are returned to the process. Already after the third regeneration of the catalyst (carried out in the same way as in the case of Example 1), its selectivity for C-C4 Hydrocarbons was only 12%, i.e. the addition of water irreversibly poisoned the catalyst. Froze 300 ml of a mixture of 70% by weight of chabazite and 30% by weight of erionite in the form of an extruded product (the same molecular sieve used in both examples described) is kept for 48 hours at 25 ° C in a saturated aqueous solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, neutralized with caustic soda pH 4 45 Then the catalyst is washed and, similarly to the previous examples, is impregnated with a solution of manganese salt. When the process is carried out under the conditions of example 2 and using a mixture of 57.5 g of methanol and 57.5 g of water per hour as a raw material, a reaction product is obtained in which: kitts 7.3 g of unreacted methanol, 73.8 g of water, 5.8 g of dimethyl ether, as well as 14 l / h of gas containing wt.%: ethylene 42.2; propylene 37.6; butene 5.0; methane 7.0; ethane 1.6; propane 4.9; butane 1,2; the rest Oh, 5. - This corresponds to a degree of methanol conversion of 87.3%, a selectivity for C2-C4-olefins of 84 ,, 8% and a selectivity for C ;, - A hydrocarbon of 92.5%, provided that the dimethyl ether and unreacted methanol formed is returned to the process. After 38 regeneration cycles carried out under the conditions of Example 1, there were no signs of a decrease in catalyst activity. Activity | The regenerated catalyst was the same as the fresh one. Example 4. 300 ml of a molecular sieve as in example 3 were incubated for a week in a saturated aqueous solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid neutralized with NaOH to pH 4.45, then washed and replaced as in example 1 with manganese. Under the conditions of Example 3, 7.5 g of unreacted methanol, 73.7 g of water, 5.9 g of dimethyl ether and 14 l of a mixture of hydrocarbons consisting, in wt.%: Ethylene 42.1; propene 37.4; butene 5.0; methane 7.3; ethane 1.8; propane 5.0; butane 1,3; the rest is 0.4. This corresponds to a conversion rate of methanol of 80.7%, a selectivity of 84.5% relative to C2 C olefins, and a selectivity of 9.2.6% relative to, hydrocarbons, if unreacted methanol and dimethyl ether are returned to the process. After 23 regeneration cycles carried out. As in Example 1, no decrease in performance was still observed. EXAMPLE 5 A molecular sieve as in Example 3 was washed for 24 hours at 50 ° C with a 15% aqueous solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt neutralized with NaOH to a pH of 4.45. After washing as in Example 1, replace with manganese and dry. Under the conditions of Example 3, 6.5 g of unconverted methanol, 2.4 g of dimethyl ether and 14.7 liters of reaction gas are obtained, consisting, in wt.%: Ethylene 43.3; propene 37.8; butene 4.7; methane 6.5; ethane 2.1; propane 4.8; butane 1,2; the rest is 0.5. This corresponds to a conversion rate of methanol of 90.9%, a selectivity of 85.8% relative to C2 C olefins, and a selectivity of 93.9% relative to C2-C-hydrocarbons, if the unconverted methanol and the formed dimethyl ether are taken into account again. After 24 regeneration cycles, carried out as in Example 1, no decrease in productivity was still observed. Example 6: 300 ml of the same molecular sieve as in Example 3 are washed with 150 h 3 l of neutralized potassium hydroxide to a pH of a 75% aqueous solution of tartaric acid at 40 ° C by percolation method , then the distiller is washed with water and then, as in Example 3, replaced with manganese. Under the conditions of Example 3, 7.4 g of uncontrolled methanol and 5.9 g of dimethyl ether, as well as 14 liters of hydrocarbon mixture, are prepared in wt.%: Ethylene 41.3; propylene 37.4} butene 2.1; methane 8.2; ethane 1.8; propane .5,1; butane 1,4; other hydrocarbons 2.7. This corresponds to a degree of methanol conversion of 87%, a selectivity to C -C-olefins of 80.8%, and a selectivity to C hydrocarbons of 94.3%, if you subtract the unreacted methanol and d methyl ester. After 15.regulations performed according to the example, no decrease in throughput is noticed. EXAMPLE 7. 300 MP of the same molecular sieve, as in the example, was washed for 4 days at 30 C, 4 liters of 5% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solution, neutralized to pH 3 at POM01CI potassium hydroxide, then washed with water and replaced on marg nets Under the conditions of Example 3, 7 g of unreacted methano 8.9 g of dimethyl ether and 15 mixtures of hydrocarbons are obtained, consisting, in wt%: ethylene, 40.2; propylene 39.1; butene 4.1; methane 4.2; ethane 2,4; propane 4.8; butane 2.6; other hydrocarbons 2.6. This corresponds to a 88% conversion of methanol, a selectivity with respect to C-C-olefins and 83.4%, and a selectivity with respect to C-hydrocarbons of 93.4%. After 15 regenerations, not observed with reduced performance. EXAMPLE 8. 300 g of molecular sieves processed into granules with a diameter of 1.5 mm in an amount of 70% by weight of chabazite and 30% by weight of an erion are washed with a 15% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solution for two days, with neutralized NaOH to a pH of 4.45, proctomy with hot water, then dried at 100 in air, and then impregnated with a solution containing.77 g of manganese nitrate hexahydrate in 80 ml of water. After drying, a catalyst is obtained containing 5% by weight of manganese. After 300 ml of the obtained catalyst, 115 g of 50% methyl alcohol (50% water) at 350 ° C are passed per hour. The result is a reaction product containing 80 g of water, 12.6 g of methyl alcohol, which has not reacted, and 12.4 g of dimethyl ether, as well as 8.5 liters of a mixture of hydrocarbons, consisting of wt.%: Ethylene 40.4; propene 36.6; butene 6.1; 2.3 methane; ethane 1.5; propane 7.6; butane 5.3; other hydrocarbons 0.5. This corresponds to a conversion of methyl alcohol of 78.1%, a selectivity to olefins with 2-4 carbon atoms 83.1% and a selectivity to hydrocarbons with 2-4 carbon atoms 97.5% when dimethyl ether formed is returned to the reaction and methyl alcohol that did not react. After 12 regeneration processes carried out in Example 3, no decrease in productivity was observed. PRI me R 9. 300 g of a mixture of chabazite and erionite, as in example 3, are washed by analogy with example 3 with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, neutral. NaOH diluted to pH 4.45, washed with water, dried with and impregnated with a solution containing 1.4 g of manganese acetate in 100 ml of water. After drying, a catalyst is obtained containing 0.1% by weight of manganese. At 450 ° C, every hour, 115 g of a mixture of methyl alcohol and water (weight ratio 1: 1) is passed through 300 ml of the obtained catalyst. The result is a reaction mixture containing 86.8 g of water, 3 g of dimethyl ether and 3.5 g of methyl alcohol that has not entered into the reaction, as well as 16 l of a mixture of hydrocarbons, consisting, in wt.%: Ethylene 32.1; propene 33.0; butene 7.1; methane 13.2; ethane 1.0; propane 5.1; butane 3.3; other; hydrocarbons 5.3. This corresponds to a methyl alcohol conversion of 94%, a selectivity to olefins with 2–4 carbon atoms, 72.2%, and a selectivity of 81.6% to hydrocarbons with 2–4 carbon atoms in the reaction
return dimethyl ether and methyl hydrocarbons of the following composition,
alcohol that does not enter into the reaction: ethylene 42.0; propylene 38.0;
ation. After 9 processes, regenerated-butene 5.5; methane 5.0; ethane 1.7;
nor, carried out by analogy with pr-propane 5.0; butane 1.6; other carbon 1, reduce the producer- 5 hydrogen 1.2, and, in addition, 5.9 g
do not see dimethyl ether, 7 g of methanol
Example 10. Through 300 mln conversion 88.2%, selectivity
the same catalyst as in -85.5% for olefins and 93.8%
measure 1, at 405c, 50.0 g of o-is passed in relation to hydrocarbons (with submethyl ether and 74.0 g of water. repeated use of dimethyl
The result is 15 ml of a mixture of ether and methanol).
and 86 g of water, which corresponds to the degree
Claims (1)
METHOD FOR PRODUCING Cj-C ^ OLEPHINS by converting methanol and / or dimethyl ether in the presence of water on aluminosilicate containing manganese, characterized in that, in order to increase the productivity of the process, aluminosilicate is used, washed before applying manganese at 0-50 C with neutralized alkaline hydroxide metal to pH 3-7 with an aqueous solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic or tartaric acid.
1 1186084
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