11) 21) ABSTRA (IT The intention re1ates to a 1ooator and Vt/ire stop device (2) arranged to he monntfzd on a handoperattëct ttrirnping too1 (160) ttnotside of and artjaerënt to a afriintp opening (192) :íetined hyernnpirig díes (104, 166) on the ttand operated erirnpirtg tool (1011)) and arrangeai to Ifreate andretain at Eeast one erirnpahie oonneetor gäart (3, 5, 7, 9) 'Lifetweetïr at íeast two erinrpiitg dies(1Û4, H36) of the hartd operatecï erinïtping tool (1), vvhere the locator and *Wfire stop det/ice (2)cornnrises positioniiig ineaiis (4, 6, 8) for oooperatioiíx With a eonneotor (1) eontprising said atÉeasot one erinipzthie eoiinetttrti" part (3, 5, 7, 9), an axia11y protruding eonneafrtion part (1 1),and ah ittterrrtediate eonneettar hody (13) eorrrprisiitg a trransversai protrttsioit (15), Vvhere thepositioniitg rneahs (4, 6, ä) eoniprise a pivotah1e eonneettër ztnd “vtfire stop eiertrertt (4), a firstresiiíent ioeator' e1ernerit (6) and a second iocator eÉentent (S), nfhere the first resihertt Éoeatorelernent (6) antt the second 1oeator eíeinent (8) tfoinpríse respective through ho1es (19, 12)iaotti arraiiged to receive the eonneafttion part (11) of the ermneattor (1), Whexre ottie throughho1es (10, 12) at Eeast in eornhitratiott are arranged to radiaily (r) retairt the ernmeetiaäri part (1 1) etf the eonneettar (1), and vvhere further during a erinipiitg operation the tiifst resiiierrtÉoeator element (16) is arranged to ahut against an axiai (A) end (17) of the transversaiprotrusittn (15) of the conneetor body (13) and the pivotah1e eonneetor and vvire stop eierneiit(4) is arratngert to aXia11y' (A) “knock the twitter axtiai end (19) of the traiisversat protrttsion (15)frfthe eoitneetttr' ïoody (13) therebj/ positioning and ret-ainirig the eonneetor' (1) in the erirngäirigtool (100), vvhere the 'ñrst resitieitt Eoezrträr' eïeinetnt (6) and the pitfotzíthie eoitneetot" and tittarestop eienrerit (4) further aíiotv for axiaí (lä) expansion of the eonneetoi' (1) dttring a erirnpingoperation, The inventioiíx a1so reíates to a hand operatecï erinrping tool, and to a rnethocï forpavsitioning and reotainirig a eonneattor, and to a s5fstteh1 afrtrnprising a. hand tvperfatert :trirnping *tool ttoniprfising a tottator and vvire stop device. (Pig. 1)
发明作者:Niklas Jonasson;John Hutchfield;Kellie Coble
申请人:Pressmaster Ab;

lll ES fZtl St) LÛCAÉYÅER AND lvVlRtlI STÜ .BEï/ÉCE, HANÜ Ühlšlåfïïlill) Clšlhlihllhííš 'l”(}(}l;-,h/ÉEÉYHÜÉ EÅÉR PÛSlïlÛNlNlG r/»ÄND REÉIÄÅENING A (ÉGNiNEífflfGlå, [ÅNÜ SYSTEh/í PllÉlÄIt OF Tlfllf. INVTLNTION The present iiiventioii relates to a loeator and Wire stop dexfiee for a hand operated erinipiiigtool according to the preaiiible of elaini l and to a hand operatetl eriinping tool according tothe preainblif of elaiin l5 and to a inethoti for positioniirg and retaining a eoniifzetor accordingto the preanilble of olaitn lf and to a systern itorripifising a iland opetated orinipiiiig *tool eoiiipr'isirig a loeatrir and 'vvire stop devi *e zteeortiirig to the pifeairihle till olaini BLÄCKGROUlND OF “ilifllï INX/'ENTIÛN [ÄN E) RELIXÉED ifälïl" *lillen orirnping, a itonntäetot i,e, a tertniinil, spliee, eiintaot or a sirnilar tievioe isrneeliatiioally' seeured to at least one cable - eg to a eonolttetor stteh as a vvire ~ bydefornizíttioii so that a solid joint haotfitig reliable nieohaiiieal and electrical connection isfornied, The eriinping operation resultiiig in a eriniped joint is performed using erirnpiiig dies. Crirripiiig tools inay be hand operatetl. ln hand opeiratetl hand held orinipirig tools, the erinipitig tool is usually zítrrzitigetl »with twopro;sirnally' on the erirnpiiig tool arranged handles tvhieli are rnovalile in relation to eachiatlier, vvhere tvhen the user brings the liaridles towards each iatlier using hand force, usually'using one liaiid only vfhieh *whtfir plaeed around both of the handles is siiiietzzetl together., theusually distally on the erirnping tool atranged itrinqfiing dies are laroiight together in tirder to erirnp at least one eonneeittßi" :trial cable hetwetiiii rtlietnr ln order to position tlie eonneetoi' to be eriniped in the erirnpiiig tool before the beginning ofthe eriinping operation, a ioeator niay be arranged in the eriniping tool. Further, in order toposition the cable in the eonneetor to be eriinped before the beginning of the erirnpiiig operation, a. »vite stop rnayf be atranged in the otitnpiiiig rtool, it) ES 29 St) One probhfin that rnay occur ivhen erirnping is that the erirripeti tfoririector expandst ie.“tioatsÉ in its axiai tiireetitiii *ti/hen erirnped 'i"his can restiit in that the conneetor hecoines sornevvhait detiorinräti ivhiith niay result in *tiiat die conneetor is janiiineti in the crinipirig tooit US 3,523,35i rä shows a erirnping tool *With a iocatoi' arid a ivire stop.
US Éif/'itihöii A shows a tfriinpiiig tooi With a iocator and a tvire. stop.
SEíh/ih/iiÅRï' (ÉF TPEE iNivfišNTiiíšN Tiie iirirnary object of the present invention to provide an iinproved ioeator and ivire stoptievice for a iiaiid operateti erirripiiig tool, an iniprovrfti iiaiid operateti eriinpiiig tool, anirnproved inethrid for positioning and retaining a eonneeitrßr, and a systern itonipifising a iiand operateti criinpirig tooi orirnprisirig a ioeator' and ivirre stop Liet/ice.
The aiïiove rnentioned object of providing an iinproved ioeator and Wire stop device for a handoperated crinipirig tooi is achieved for a iocator and vvire stop tievice for a hand operateticriniiiing tooi ivhere positioning rneans on the iocator and isfire stop device coniprise apivotaïrßie connector' and tvire stop eierrierit, a tirst resiiierit ioeator' eiernent and a secondÉocatiir eiernerit, Wiiere the tirst resiiierit ioeator' eierrieiit and the seeorid ioeator eiernenteoniprise respective through iioies both arranged to receive the eonriectiori part of thetforiiiecttiri iviiere the through hoies at ieast in tëornbination are arrangrfd to radiaiiy retain theeoriiireittion part ot” the eonnector, and vvhräiïtf further during a eriinping operation the firstifesiiient iocator eieiinent is arranged to abnt against an erid of a transversai protriisirßri ofthe eonnector body and the pivotabie connector and Wire stop eienient is ar'r'ariged to zíixiaiiy'bioeh the other axiai end of the transversai protrnsiori of the eonnector body, as stated in thecharaeterizing portion of eiaini i, the ioeator and Wire stop device thus being aiïiie to positionand retain a eonnector having a transversai protrusiori on the etiiintfctor body tvhiie aiioiving for expansion of the eornirectoif fduring tfifiinping. it) ES 29 St) The above nieiitioiirzd ohieets of iirovitiiiig an iniproxfeti hand operateti crnnping tooi, and animproved rnethod for positioning and retainiiig a connectoiy, and a system coniprisiiig a handtiperattëii ttrirnping tooi cornprising a iocatoiï aiird vvire stop fatet/ice, are :ichievetí for a tool anda rnethod and a systern as stated in the cinaiacterizirig portions of ciaiins 35 and i and iÉš, respectiveijf. rfxccording to one einbodinieiitr the iocator and Wire stop tiexfieif coniprises a spaciiig, tfieineiitarranged to create a :iistance between the tirst resihent iocactor eiernent and *tiie pivotahieconnector zrrid “vvire stop eieinent in order to aiiow tiäi' a tranwverisaí protrttsion of the crtnnector ïoody' to tit tiierehetweeri. zäccortiiiig to one enihtrtiiinent, the tiirotigh hoies are at least in coinhinatioii arranged toretain the ttonntëctitvn part of *the connector in the iïttatioiirzii tiiiïectitin aronnti the axiai direction of the connector. räccording to one einhodinierit, a stop device is arranged on the pivotahie coiniecttar and vt/'ire stop eiernent in order to iiniit the return inovenieiit tiiertfof.According to one ernhotiiitierit, the pivotatiie connector ztnd “vvire stop eieirient coinprises a*vvire stop rirtitrnsitiri arrïiriged to reach into the connector ioody tiuring iiiseition of a cabie into the connector thus creating a Wire stop. .fäctftortiiiig to one enthtrdiiirrcent, *the tirst resihent iocatoiï :äiernerit is arrangerat to iae of a iinateriai that faan he ttonipifessedr and is arranged :ihut the seeoiird iocator eientent, räccording to one einhodinierit, the first resiiient iocator eieirient aind the second iocator element (8) are arranged distanced apart front each other at the respectixfe tiirotigh hoies.
According to one ernhodrintent, the iottactoi" and Wire stop tievitttf is to he rnounted on the it) ES criinping tooi using at ieast one tineaded connection aind/or at ieast oine pin connection. iläecortiiiig to one ernhtitiiinent, the eonnector cornprises at ieast one. erirnpahie eoniieetor part an axiaiiiy' protrtiding itonnaäetitin part, and an intetineiiizite eotniieittoif body eonqarisiiiig a tratisifersai protreasioii.
According to one einbodiinieiiti the iiand operatedi crimpiiig tooi eoniprises a tooi head, a bodyand tvi/o hantiiifs Vvhieii itandies are rnovahiy' arranged in reiatioii to each other and vifhere:trimning dies between Which at ieast one eointieittrii* is to iae orimptfd to a itahiië form a diepair, and the reiative incivenient of the tooi tianoïies is connected to the reiative tiiovertient of erinipitig dies iiotniiiig a die pair.
"Ehesif and, other advaiitagtftius features Wiii the apparent frorn tiie detaiifzd description heiowf.
The iiiveiitiriri »vitt iiovv' be rieseribed in rnore rietaii 'oeiotv 'vvith retereiice to the zippeiiried dravviiigs wifhieh iiiustrzíite preferred etnimoliitietits of the aieviee according to the iiweiitioii.
BRÃEP' Diílšštfilišiiïlfiíšixi OF THE DRAXWJINíES iïigiire i shows stfiieniatieaiija an expiocieti vievv of a iocator and *wfirfz stop tiexfierf according to a first etnimiiiiínent of tiiie invention, Figure 2 shovvs scheniaticaiiy' a side *Jiew an exatntiie of a eonnector of the type iised in connection with the inventitfe iocatoi' and vifire stop device, Figure 3 shoiws sitheinatioaiiy a view of a ioeator atid wire. stop rieviitaä :ieitortiing to the tirst einbodiineiit ofthe iiweiition, shown in a conneetoi" itisertiriti position, Figure 4 siionvs schernaticaiijf' a View of a ioeator and *wire stop device according to the first enibodiniifiit of the iiiventioii, shown in a eriniping position and 111 211 St) iïigtire 5 s1iows stfheniaticahy a eross~sectiori of a 1ocator and vvire stop device aceordirig to the second enihtitiiineiit of the iiivtfiitiont shiown in an interinediate criinping position.
D iïššíïiåiPTiífiN OF P RE FERRED iEh/'å BODiER/EEiNTS The sanie reference rrunierais are heing used for siiniiai' features in the difhreiit drav/ingst Figure 1 shinwfs scheiifiaticahy an :fxpitßded vievv of a ioeattvr and wire stop :tea/ice 2 arrangedto he rnounted on a hand (iperated crirnpiiig too1 100 (intside (if and adjaeerit to a crirnptipenirig 102 clefirieri hy errirritiirig dies 1114, 1116 on the hand oper'atet1 erintpirig too1 11.111 andarranged to iocate aind retain at ieast one criinríiahie connector' part 3, 5, 7, 9 (for refereneesto the coniitfctor., see tigtire 21) between at 1east two rfriinping dies 1114,, 1116 of the handtiperatræri tirirnping tooi 101), *whrærræ entire 1otfizitor and wire stop device 2 cornprises positionirigrneaiis 4, o, for cooperation ewfith a erinnecttir 1 ctnnprisiiig strid at ieast one erirnpafrflecorinector' part 3, S, 7, 9, an axiaily protrndirig oonnectiitn part 1 1, and an irrter'rriediateconneetor 'Lïiodïv 13 eoniprisirig a transversai protrusiori 15. 'Ifhe positionirig rneans 4, ti, Scornprise a pivotahie conneetor and wire stop eieinent 4, a first resihtfnt iocator eieinent 6 anda second iocattir tfienierit 3, vvhere the first resihent iocattßr eienient 6 and the second 1ottatoreiernerit ctnnprise respective through hoies 11.1, 12 both ar'r'ariged to receive the corinectitnipart 11 of the ctirineetor 1, twherre the through ho1es 11), 12 at ieast in cornhiriatitni arearranged to radiaiiy r, i, e. in directions perperidicitiar' to the axiai direction A of the conneetor1,, retain the connection part 11 of the. connector 1, and tvhere further dtiriiig a crinrpiiigtiperatitvn the first resiherit ioeatiir eiernränt (i is :irrariged to abut against an axiai end 17 of thettrarisversai protirnsion 15 of the connetttcßi" “body 13 and the pivota1a1e ttonntfottvr and iwfire stopeierrterit 4 is arranged to zixiaiiy hiock the other a;siai erid 19 of the transverrszii protrriisitni 15of the eonnector body 13 therehy positioning and retaining the conneetor 1 in the erirnpingtooi 11111. '17 he first resiiieiit iocator eienient 6 aiiows fiar axiai A expansion of the connector' 1during a criniping operation hy that the first resiiierit 1otfator eierrieiit 6 is resiiieiit and is thirs arranged to he iinoved away by the possihie axia11y' A expandirig connetttcßr* 1 in the axizti 11) ES 21) St) direction A of the eoniieetoi' 1 in order to avoid further deformation of the oonneetoi' 1 otherthan that resuitiiig tiirifotiy froni the eriniping dies 1941-, 1116 of the eriinping tooi 1ÜÛ and thusiarevifiiting _iainniiiig of the eonneetioii part 11 of the eonneetor 1 in the first and/or setfoiid iooatrir eienients.
Preferahiy; the through hoies 11.1, 12 are at ieast in combination arranged to tinrtiiei' retain theconnection part 11 of the eonneetor 1 in the rotationai direction around, the axiai A direetioii of the tfoiinecttir 1, The respective throngii ho1es EG, 12 are zítrrangefí aiigrieti *vvith eaeh other in order for the eonrieetor 1 to he ahie to he iriserteti in hoth through ho1es EG, 12.
Läs ean he seen in the figure, the 1otfator and wire stop dteviee 2 preferahiy eoiriprises aspaning eierrrent 14 arrariged to ttiïezttië a distance Ü he;t~'t>.en the first resiiient iooatrir tfienient6 and the pitfotzihie etinneetor and Wire stop eierrierit 4 in orrier' to ahowv for the tiransversaiprotrttsitih 15 fit the oonneetoi' hody 13 to fit theirehetvifeeh. Preferahiyg the spaeirig eiernent isarranged to he irioitnteti on the crinipiiig tooi 100, on the tooi head 11.18 of the erirnriingtoo1 11113,, and the pivotahie tfoiineettir and Vvire stop eierneiit 4- is arraiiged, to the inouiiteti onthe spaning eierrrent 14, on a protrusiriri 16 using a pivot pin 11% ittiiieh is kept in positionhy tag. *vvashers 2G, 22. The pitfotahie eoihneottar and Wire stop eierrient 4 is preferahifyprestressed rising eg a return spring 24 'ny tvhieii the pivoitahie ettnneetiii' and tvire stopeienieiit 4 is foreed tovt/'ards its position engaging the oonneetoi' 1 tinEess pivoted therefiwoni 'Liythe operator operating a control device 26 arranged tiiifrtfoii. A stop device 28 is preferahija:irrariged on the itonneottvr and *Wire stop eiernaänt 4 in order to iiiinit the return rnovrëiïnentetiiereoti, The stop iieviee 28 is preteraiiiy arranged to fifrigztge the dista1 etige of the tirstresiiieiit ioeattir eienient 6 at the end of its rettirri intiverrierit. The stop Lier/ice 28 is pireterahiyarranged as an axiai A hp on the distai edge of the eonneetor and tvire stop eieinent 4. T heconneetor and tvire stop eieinent 4- fnrthei' tireferahiy' eoniprises a tvire stop protrusioii 3Garranged to reach into the eoniitfotor body 13 during insertion of a eahie 21 (see igure 5) into the ooririeittrii" 1 thus ttreating a vvire stop 1G ES 2G 3G 1n order to aiiow for axiai A expansion of the connector 1 duriiig a crinipiiig operation, thefirst resiiient iocator eienient 6 rnay he arranged to he. of a rnateriai that can he cornpressetiand to he arranged ahut the seeoiiid iocattßi" eienient S, or the tirst resihent iocattßi" eienient 6and the second iocator eienient 8 rnay be zítrratigeti tiistanceii apart ironi each other at therespective through iioies EG, il. if as seen in the figure), i.e. a. gap is arranged hetWeeri the firstresiEient 1oe.ator eienrent 6 and the seeond iocator tficnient S' at the respective tiirotigh ho1es 1G, 12. Stich a gap rnay he accoinpiisheti hy arrangirig the first 6 and /or second 8 ioeatoreieinent With a protriisiori 32 at a position distanced froin the respective through ho1es 1G, 12 (as seen in the tigttre).
The iocator and *tvire stop device 2 rnay he iriounted on the crirnpiiig tooi EGG using eg. atiireadeti connection 34 such as at least one screw 36 and at ieast one ntit 38 Where thescrevv 156 is e,g, arranged tftiiiiiiiected to the crirnping tool 1GG and fiirther arrangeii to passtiirougii at Eeast oine tioEe 4G, 42, 44 ar'r'ariged in the tvire stop tlevice 2 and tvhere the nut 38is arranged to Eock the Ettcattir' and Wire stop devfice 2 to the crinipitig too1 iGG. it is aiso,together *tvith or vvithout a tiireaded connection, possihie to arrange at least one pin connection4-6 stich as e,g. at Eeast one pin 48; 5G arranged e,g, connee ed to the crinipiiig tooi iGG,wiiiere the pirr 48; 5G is arranged to pass throtigh att ieast one hoie 52, 54, 56; 53, 6G, 62arranged in the iocatiir' aind Wire stop fftevice 2 in oirder' to positioti the ioczíttoi' and tvire stoptievice 2 on the crirnpiiig tooi EGG. it is thus tiossiïoie to conitiitie a tiireatleti connection and apirr connection as shovtfri in the figure. The iocator and vvire stop device 2 is preferaiiiy' to heinouiiteci on the crirrrpiiig tooi 1GG using at 1east one tiireadeci connection 34 and aiso at Eeastone pin ciinnetfttiiin 46, Tvvo connection points are preferred to prevent the Eoezttiir and vvirestop iietficië 2 ironi pivoting on the iiiand ciperatafti criinping tool 1GG, hut hiochiiiig of suchpivotirig rnay zítEso» he ar'r'ariged tiy using iiniy one connection point eg. a threaded connection 34 together vvith other rnearis such as tianges ttwreveritiiig pivoting niovernent.
The hand tiperateti erirnping too1 iGG iiiay he of any kind, e.g. of the 1 tignre vvhiirh tfoinprises a tooE head 108, a hody EEG and tvvo iiiandiiæs 112, 114 Which haniiies 111 211 311 112, 114 are niovahiy arranged in re1ation to each other, and vtfhere the 'Lindy 1111 is arrangedhiftween the distai end 1111 and the proxinia1 end 1133 of t1ie crinipiiig tooi 11113, the tooi head1138 is arranged t1ista11y 1111 on the crirnpiiig tooi 111119 and the two hand1es 1129 114 are:irrariged proxiinaidy' 1133 on the ttrfiiinping tooi 111139 aiitd *where crirnping tiies 11349 106bettveeri *vvtiich at ieast orie eonnecttrr 1 (see tigitre S) is to he crirnped to a eah1e 21 (seefigure S) ifviieri said crinipirig dies 104, 106 inove totvards each other forni a die pair 116, andvvhere both hanriies 1129 114 are piifotaihf arrangeti to the body 111), and the reiativerrrovenient of the tooi handies 112, 114 is conntzctifd to the re1ative nioveiiient of eriinping dies 11149 1Ü6 forrning a die pair 116.
The iriverrtitiri has heen discussed tiniy in connection tvith two criiripirig dies 11149 1116arranged to crinip criinpahie parts 3, 5 9 of a connector i, hut as can he seen in the figure,fiirtiiefr' tfriinpirig dies 1189 121) fornning a fiirt1ier die pair 122 for the sanie connector 1 can the:irraiirged if eriniqfiahhë parts 39 S; 79 9 at another position on *ttie ttonntictor 1 are a1so to iae crirnpeti. rflso, further' thirottgh hoies 64, 66 can 'Lie arranged in the first resihent iocator eiernent (i andthe setforid 1ocator ef1enient if the eriinping tool 111111 is arranged vvit1i severai eriinp openings 1ÜZ9 124 for coririetttrrifs of rnore than one dinierisirin.
Fig. 2 shovvs seheniaticahy a side tfienf of an exarnpte of a connectrir' 1 (if the type raseri inconnection vvith the iriventive 1ocator and tvire stop device. The connector 1, tvhich ofthe type ca11ed “h/iinifit Senior (ro11crinn3)“'”9 coniprisifs at 1east one crinipah1e tforinecttir part39 59 79 99 an axiahy' prtrtrotiirig connection part 119 and an internitediaete rtonnector hody 13cornprising a. transvtërsa1 protriision 15 externding in a radiai direction r frorn the connecftor tiody 13. 1n the 'figure is aiso showin the ~axia1 A direction of the connector.
Figure 3 shows scheniaticaiiy' a *view of a 1ocatoi' arid tvire stop device 2 according to asecond enihtitíiinent of the invention9 shown in a conneetor insfzrtion position together with an inserteti coririetttrri* 11 The ernhodinient of this figure tiiffers front *tiie en'11.rotiii'nent in figure 1 ii) ifš fZi) Si) in tiiat oiïiilxf oine set of through hoies it), il. is arranged in tiiis einhodinierit eoniriared to twosets in the enihodinieirt of figure i. 'ihe refereiiee niirnefrais used are the same as used for tforresponding features in figure it Figure 4 shovvs seheniatieaiiyf a View tat :i ioeator and Wire strip tieviee 2 according to thesecond enihotiiinent of the invention, siiovvn in a erirnpiiig position together *With an insertedeonneetor i. 'The referenrze nnnierais used are. the sarne as used for etirrespoiíitiing featurfzs in figure år Figure 5 shinvs sehernatioaiiy a er'oss~seetiiiii of a iooator and :vaire stop tieviee 2 aoeortiiiig tothe second ernhoiiiitterit of the iriveiititrn, shinvri in an iriteirniediate orirnpirig position, ige. in :iposition *Where the eriniping dies iO4, 106 have airntist reaeiied the eonrieetoi' i hut iiot yet rfriinpeti it.
Ntiw, the operatitiri fit" the iooator and :vvitre stop :tes/ice 2 vviii he iieseiriived in otinrreetitvn vvitii iignre 5.
A eonrieetor i eoinprisirig at ieast one eriinpahitf eonneetor part 3, 5, 7, 9, an axiaiiyprotruding eonneifttiiin part ii, and an inttfriineiiiate iïtinneetor body i3 eornprising atiansversai protiriisitari iS is positioned and r'et:íiiiied :ieetirtiirig to the tioiioievfirig steps ttsiiig aEiteattir and wvire strip tieviee 2 rnotinted on a ii-and tiperateti erirnpirig, ttioi iÜÜ fiiitsiiie of andarijaeerit to a erirnp opening iii2 defined hy eriniriing dies iÜ4, i06 on the hand operatedtfrirnping tooi iÛÜ, the iotfator and Wire stop cieviee 2 eontprisiiig positioriing nieans 4, 6, 8eornprising a. pivotahhf eoniieotcßr and Wire stop :fierneiit 4, a tirst resiiient iooattir tfierrient 6:nad a seeonii iooatiir eiernent S), *where the tirst resiiient ioeatoiï eiernerit 6 and the seeorid iooator eieinerit 8 eoin rise res eetive thronßh hoies ii) iZ.__ 7 'ihe ste is for iositionin f and retaiiiinfl the eonneetoi' i are as toiioiws:_ , »_ b~pivoting the pivotahiif eonrieetor and ivirf: stop tfienterit f-'i to a position avvay front the path of insertiiin B for tiiie eiinnetfttor i into the ioeator and wire stop defiee 2, iii ifš fZti Sf) it) -irisertiiig the eonineetioii part ii of the eoniieetor i into the through hoie iii iof tiie firstresiiient ioeator eieiiient 6., -ftirtiier iristfrting the tfoiíineetioii part ii of the tfoiíineettir i into the through hoie if/l of theseeiorid ioeaotcii" eienient S, nitisertirig the eonneettii' i stiii tiirtiiei' into the restseetiye tiirougii hoies iii, i2 iintii an axiaiend i7 of the transversai tirotrtision iS of the eoniieetor i ahtits against the first resiiieritioeator eieinent 6, the through iioies iii, il at ieast in tzoinbination radiaiiy' r thus retainingthe tfoiíiiíieetion part ii of the ooniíieetor if, and ~pivotitig the pisftiotahifif eonneeitcii" and Wire. stop eienient 4 to a posiotion in the path of inseiftiotiiïš for the eonrieettii' i into the ioezitoi' and tyiire stop oieviee 2 ytfherehy the pivotaivie eonneetorand *wire stop eienneiit 4 is zirratigefi to axiaiiy' hioei; the other axiai end i9 of the transotfersaiprotrttsion i5 of the eonneetor body iš thus axiaiijyf A retainiiig the trainsversai tirotrtision i5of the eonneetor hody i3 and thus the eonneetor i hetweeii the first resiiieiit ioeator eiemeiit 6and the pisftiotahifif eonneettir arid Wire stop fifienient 4 thus positionirig and retaining at ieast oneeriinpaivie eonneetor part 3, 5, 7, 9 “riewveeii at ieast two eriniiiirig dies iO4, iüo oif the hand operateti erirripiiig tooi E09. ifxfter the ahotae positioniiig and retaining of the tfoiíiiieetor i, the foiiowing steps are taken inorder to itriniti the ttonnfifetiir i 'with a tïzihitä 2i: -iiisertiiig a eahie Zi in the eoniieetoi" i nntii the eahie end 23 ahtits the pivotaioie eonneetorand tyire stop eienneiit 4, -eriiriping together the eoniieetoi' i and eahie 21 hy iiriiigiiig together the tooi iiandies (notshovvii) of the eriniping tooi it, -pitutiting avvay' the pivotahie tforineetor and vvire stop eiernenot 4 froni its return position, aiid reiinoti/ing the eriinpiëti tftiiiirieettiiï i and ttahitä 2i irorn tiiie ioeator and *ii/ite sotop device 2. 'ihe iiiyeiititän aiso reiates to a systern etiniprisiiig a iiand operated erirnpiiig tooi iÜGeoniprising a ioeator and tyire stop tietfiee 2, the systern aiso eoniprisiiig a eonneetor i, *wherethe ioeatoi" and vvire stop tieviee 2 is of the type diseusseti ahoyfe, and vfhtfre. the etinntfetor i is of the otjype diseusse zihoye, and Where tiiie iiand operated erinipirig tooi ifiü rnay he of any it) ES ii type, eg. the type discussed above.
The invention has been siiotvii arrangeti in a oriniping tooi iiatfing a oiosefd iieací 'ont it ispitssibiiä in other enibtidirniënts to :irrarige the iriventitin in a itriniiiing tooi having an openiiezíiti, or a iieati that iriay be adjusted tsetweeti an open iiead iiositifiri and a oifisetí tieati position.
The eonnfzotoi' and Wire stop eienieiit 4- is preferabiyf substantiaiiy rigid, as seen in the axiaidirection A of the ttonnfifetiir i during oriniping, :is the ttabie 2i vviii 'not norinaiify expandsignitioziritijtf' in the axiai direetioti A of the eonneotor i ditring orirnpiiig. ieíowetfeer, it ispossible to optionaiiy zirratige the etainneetoi" and >v'ii'e Stop eieiiierit 4 to 'ne soniewiiat resiiieritas seen in the axiai tiireetioii A of tiie oonnector i during eriinping, this in order to aiiotv for any liossibief axiai A expansion of the eabie 21 during eriinpingi Tiie iieatnres of the einbittiiirieiits olisensseti above iiiay be eitinhirieti in íittirtiiei" vvays titan those expiioitiyf described in the entboaiiinents above.
Claims (20)
[1] 1. ti) ES 29 St) C i AIM S: h.) Lioeator and vvire stop :ieviee (2) arranged to he rnortnted on a hand operated erinipirigtool (ÄGG) outside of and adjaeerrt to a erirnp täpeiiirrg (E02) tiefiried hy eiriiripirig dies (11134,iíitš) on the hand operated eriniping tooi (EGO) and arranged to Eoeate aind retain at ieastone erinrpabEe rfoniieetrir part (3, 5, 7,, 9) how/een at ieast two eriniping dies (iÜf-'Ett E06) ofthe hand riprzratetE eriniping tooi (_ E), tvhere the Eoeator and Wire stop device (2) eoniprisespositionirig iineans (4, 6, ti) for rficioperzttirin tvitii a eonneattor (E) etnnprising said at ieastone erirnpzthie eorrneetoi" part (3, 5, 7, 9), an axiaiiy tirotrudirig eonneetioin part (E E), andan iiiterrrrediate eorrneettir' 'tvody (Efš) eoiripr'isirig a transversai protrasiori (i S),eharaeterized in, that the positioriiiig ineains (4, 6, S) eoniprise a pivotahie eonneetor andWire stop eienieirt (4), a first resiEient iotzator eieinent (_ o) and a second iorfator eierrieirt(S) tvhere the first resiiitäiiiit ioeator eEeinent (o) arid the second ioeatoif eiernerrt (8)eoinprise respective tiirfitigii iioies (ii), EZ) both arranged to receive the eonneetiori part (i E) of the efinneetor (i), 'where the through hoies (Ei), EB) at Eeast in otinihiriatitsri arearranged to radiaiiy (r) retain the connection part (E E) of the eoniieetoi' (i), and vtfherefnrtEier dnriiig a erinrping operation the first resihent irieator eienieiit (6) is arraiiged toahut agatinst an axiai (A) end (i 7) ot' the transversai protrusion (15) ot" the eonneeittii" Eaody(13) ztrid the tiivotahie eonneetfir ztrid 'vvire stop eierrient (4) is ar'i'aiiged to ztxiaiiy (Å) hifieitthe other -axiai end (19) of the traristfersai protrnsioii (iii) of the eorineettir' 'ivooïy (13)tiierehjtf positionirig and retainiiig the eoniieetor (E) in the orinipiiig tooE (E00), *Where thefirst resiiient ioeator eienient (6) and the pivotahie eonneetor and Wire stop eieinent (4) titrthei* aiEtvvtf for axiai 'A) ex .arrsiorr of *tiie rtonntëtftor 'Y duifirn-f a erini irn-f o fieratirinih , C! C! Loeatoi' and tvire stop Liet/ice (2) aeefirdirig to eE-ztiiri E, etiaraeteriaed in, that it eoinprisesa spaeiirg eienient (E41) arranged to create a distance (D) hetWeen the first resiheiit ioeatoreienient (6) aind the pivotahie eoniieetoi' aind *wire stop eienient (4) in order to aEiovv for the transversai protrnsioii (ES) of the eonneetor hodja (13) to fit thfzrehettiverfii. it) ES LI: TJ Locator and vaire stop device (2) according ciairn 2, eiiaraeterized in, that the spaciiigeicriirziit (if-i) is arrangcd to he inouiiteti on the criniping tooi (iÜÜ) and the iaivotahieerinnrfctor anti vtfirc stop eienieiit (4) is arraiiged, to he inouiiteti on the spaning eienieiit int), Liocator and wire stop tievicc (2) according to one of eiainis i to 3, eharaeterized in, thatthe through iioies (iii, 12) are at ieast in cornhinatitin arranged to further retain thetfioririectiori part (i i) of the tfioririecttir (i) in the rotationai tiireetitin zironnd the axiai (A) tiirectiori of the crninectiër (i). Liocator and Wire stop tievictæ (2) according to one of ciainiis i to 4, tfiiaraeteriaeii in, thata stop tievittrf (28) is arranged on the pivotzthirf corineitttii* and Vvire stop rfierrierit (4) in rirdei' to iirnit the retiirri rnoveriieiit thereof. Liicator and ttfire stop tievice (2) according to tziairn S, eiiaraeteriztëd in, that the stoptieviee (28) is ar'i'aiiged to erigage the tirst resiiierit iocator' eienierit (6) at the end of its return irioverneiit. Liocator and Wire stop tievictæ (2) according to one of ciainiis i to få, rfiiaraeteriaeii in, thatthe pitotafriie conneetrii' and vviire stop eienient (4) further cornprises a Wire stop protrnsiori(EG) ar'i'aiiged to re-aeii into the coririector' ïoociy (13) during irisertiriii of a cahie (Zi) into the coiinectiar (i) thns creating a vtfire stop, Locatoi' and vviire stop Liet/ice (2) according to one of ciaiiris i to 7, charaeterized in, thatthe pivotahie connector and tvire stop eienient (4) is prestressed hy a retnrii spring (24) hy'*Which the tiivotahie connector and vfire stop eienient (4) is forced towards its positionengagiiig the eonnector (i) unicss iaivoteti tiíierefrtiin hy the operator operating a controi devitte (26) arrangeti thereori. Locator and Wire stop device (2) according to one of ciainis i to 8, eharaeterized in, thattiie iirst resiiieiit iocator eiernent (6) is arranged to be of a niateriai tiiat can he coinpresseti and is arranged ahnt the second iocator eieincnt (8). (J: iii iS iO. ii. i4, i5. io. 14 Locator sind vvire stop device (2) acttoiftiirig to one of ciairns i to S, charactcriztid in, tiiizttthe tirst resiiitënt iocator eieiinent (6) anti the second iottztttir eierntänt (8) arrangeii tiistaiiceti apart ironi each other at the restiective throtigii iioies (ii), iQ). iocator and wire sitop device (2) acttoifriing to ciairrn iÜ, charactttrized in, tiiat the tirst(ö) and /or second (S) iocaitcßi" eienient is arranged tvith a protrnsitin (32) at a positiontiistaiiceti front the respective tiiroingii hoies (i (i, 12) in order to tiistztrioe the tiirst resiiientiocator eienieiit (6) and the second iocator eienient apart froni each other at the respective tiirotigii hoies (iii, 12) . Lficattar and Wire stop device (2) ztccoirdirig to one of ciairris i»i i, eharacterizcd in, tiiat the iocator and tvire stop device (2) is to be niotinted on the criniping tooi ( iiiii) using at ieast one tiireadeci connection (34) anti/iir at ieast one pin connection (146) . Lficattar :and Wire stop device (2) ztcctirdirig to ciairn i2, charactcrizeti iii, that the threaded connection (34) coniprises at ieast one screw (A36) and at ieast one nnt (38),Where the stfrtfiif (36) is arranged tfoiiiiected to the crinipiiig tooi ( 160) and furtherarranged to pass itiirongh at ieasit one hoie (40, 42, 44) arranged in *tiie wire stop devitfie(2) and Where the nttt (38) is air-angett to itaci; the itaoator and Wire stop device (2) to the crirnpiiig tooi (i 00). Ltieattvr and vvire stop rievice (2) according to tziaini i2, iciiaraeteriatëd in, that the pinconneotiori (46) cornprices at ieast one pin tfftšš; 5G) air-angett connected to the crirnpiiigtooi (iíiíi), vdiere the pin (48; 5G) is arranged to pass through at ieast one hoie (52, 54,56; 58, oi), 62) arranged in the iocator and vvire stop device (2) in order to position the iocator and vvire stop device (2) on the criniping tooi (iGG) Hand operated criniping tooi ( iiiii), eharaeterizeti in, that it coniprises a iocator and tvire stop device tf 2) according to one of eiairns i-i4. The iiand fiperateti crirntiitig ttaoi (iÜÜ) according to ciaiiti 15, citaracteirized in, tiiat it 111 211 311 -3 eonitíwrises a too1 head 1 11.18), a body' (1 11.1) aind two hand1es (112, 114) vvhieh hand1es(112, 111-11) are ntovahhf arranged in re1ation to each other, and Where the hody (1111) isarranged hetweeii the dista1 end (101) and the proxiiiia1 end (1113) of the crinipiiig too1(101)), the too1 head (108) is arranged dista11y (101) on the :trimning too1 (1013), and 1116:two handhes (112, 114) are arrangef1 rsroxirnahy (1113) on the critripiiig too1 (100), andWhere critnpiitg dies (1114, 11.16) hettveen vahíeh at 1east one oonneetor t 1) is to 'Lie crirnpcdto a eabhf (21) forni a die pair (116), and *vt/here both hand1es (112, 114) are pivotahyarranged to the body (1111), and the re1at1Ve inoventeiit of the too1 hant11es (112, 114) is connected to 1116: r6:1ative iinoverneiirt of crin1pir1g diet: (104, 1116) thrniiing a die pair (1115). . hfíethod tor trosititvriiiig and r'e1airiir1g a otännector (1) cotnprisirig at 1east one crinipabhi: eonneetor part S, 7, 9), an axia11jy' protrtidiing eoniieetíoii part (11), and an iiitertnediateetinnector body (13) corriprising a trariswafrsai protrtision (15) using a 1o6fator ant1 vvire stopdevice (2) nwniirtetí on a haiird operat/ed ttriinping too1 (1111)) 6111131616: of and adjacent to acrirnp (mening (1 (12) defir1ef1 hy orinipir1g dies (104, 106) on the 1iand operateti oiriitipirigtoo1 (1111)), the 1ocator and vvire stop device (2) ooinpr'isirig tiositiffiriiiig niezins (4, o, 8)cotnprising a pivotah1e conneetor and *tvire stop c1enient (4), a first res11ient 1ocatore1einent (6) and a second 1oeator e16zineiit (8), *vt/here the :first resihent 1o6fator e1errient (6)and the second 1ottator 6:1e1nent (S) ttoiinpristf resptfctnae through 11o1es (11), 12),eeimprisšng the steps of: »pivffiting the pivotz1h1e corrneetor and tvvire Stop e1erner1t (4) to a tvositiffiri ant/try from thepath of insertitan (13) for the conneetor (1) into the 1oeator and vvíre stop device (2),-iiiserting the tfoiiiiectioii part (11) of the etinntfctor ( 1) into the through ho1e (11)) of thetïrst resihent 1ocat1or e1en1ent (o), ~furthe.r ir1serting the ooniirection part (11) of the ttoiirnector (1) into 1116: through ho1e (12)of the second. Eocattër :fderneiit (S), -inserting the oonneetor (1) sti11 further into the respective through ho1es (111, 12) nnti1 anaxia1 end (17) of the transversa1 protrusitan (15) of the eoiineetoi' (1) ahuts against the firstresihtfiit 1oeator e1einent (6), the through ho1es (111, 12) at 1east in eoinbination radia11y (r) thus retaining the connection part (11) of the ooiiriirectoif (1), and 111 >--'-11 19. 211. 16 -nivtating the pítfotahie eonneetor and tvire stop e1entent (51) to a position in the path ofinsertíott (B) for the ertnntfetor (1) into the 1oeator and vvíre stop devítfe (2) Wherehy thepivotah1ef oonneetor and *tt/tre stop tf1entent (4) is arranged to axla1ly b1oeh the other axíaletitd (19) ot' the tra.nsfersa1 protrusttßtt (15) ot the ttonntëetor body (13) attans ax1a11y (A)ret-anning, the transverszíti ptrtfittrttsitart (15) of the eonneetrtr' body (13) and thus the ertnneetttr'(1) 'Ltetween the first resíhertt 1oeator eiernent (o) and the pivotahle eonneetor' and vftrestop e1entent (4) thus posítionhtg and retalning at least one erínrpahle ettnnefetor part (3, 5,7, 9) between at 1east two orlnrpiltg dtes (1114, 1116) of the. hand operated orinrpírtg too1 (101)). . System ortrttprísirtg a ttahtl tfipetratetí erintpittg ttfiot ertrttprisittg a ioeator amd “vtfire stop device (2) according to one of elahns 1-14, eharaeterízed in, that the systern fttrthel' ettntpríses a eonneetor (1). Systetn aeetfirdirtg to 131211111 18, eharacterized in, that the eonneetrtr' (1) eornprises at 1eastone erirnpahie eonneetor part (3, 5 , 7, 9), an axia1ly protrttding eontteetiott part (11), and an htternrtfdiate conneetor hody (13) rfornprlslng a transversa1 protrttslon (15). Sjyïstenl according to e1ahn 18, eharaeterized in, that the hand operated erírnnittg too1(1111)) eontprtstfs a too1 head (1118), a hody (1111) and two hanr11es (112, 114) vvhíelthand1es (112, 11-4) are rnotfahly arranged ln re1at1on to each other, and vdttzre the betty (1 11)) is arrangetd “hfiftvsfeen the distal end (1111) :rod the proxtintztt end (1113) of the erirnpingtoo1 (1110), the too1 head (1118) is arranged dísta11y (1 1.11) on the erirnttittg, tool (111111), amdthe two handies (112, 114) are arranged proxírnailjyf (1113) on the erintping tool (1111)), andtvhere erirnpittg díes (1114, 1116) hettveen tfdtíeh at 1east one eonneetor (1) is to 'Lite erinnaedto a eab1e (21) fornr a die pair (116), and vs/here both handles (112, 114) are pítvotahyarratngetl to the body (111)), and the re1ative rnoventent ot' the too1 hand1es (1 12, 114) is ettnneetett to the rehttitfe rnoverttettt of erirnpittg, dies (164, 166) tttrntittg a die ttair (116).
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